13 Best Dictionary App For Android Free Download

Dictionary Apps for Android Free Download

Translator apps for android is an amazing thing to carry with but, If you also want to get rid from those dictionaries carrying more than a thousand pages. Why don’t you install Dictionary App on your Android Smartphone.

Dictionary Apps for Android Free Download

Did you remember of the days when you use to put Cambridge Dictionary or Oxford dictionary (To check the meaning of words)  with you. Some people use dictionaries for making their vocabulary strong. But Searching a single word from Huge Wikipedia of words is quite boring. But revolution came and bring trend of Online Dictionaries Applications. The great interest of users towards these applications made mobile developers to put those applications in mobile with a name called Android Dictionary App.

Now time is changing and our world is facing another revolution of Smartphone’s under which users, showing greater interest in Buying An Android Phone and others. Also, users are searching Dictionary App for Android because it’s easy to use  dictionary application on Smartphone.

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These Dictionary app for Smartphone made easier all we have to do is put the name and hit enter and rest of the work is done by your android phone. So I decided to gather some of the best Best Dictionary App For Android under the same hood

1. Dictionary.com

One of the best Dictionary app which include cool features like home screen widget, voice search, audio pronunciation, and Dictionary.com popular Word of the Day and Hot Word blog. It consist of the Dictionary and Thesaurus content, more than 375,000 words and definitions with 300,000 synonyms and antonyms. It also helps in Phonetic and Spelling suggestions with Word origin and history.

2. Dictionary-Merriam-Webster

America’s most useful and respected dictionary which in addition offers voice search – to let you look up a word without having to spell it – along with synonyms, antonyms, example sentences, Word of the Day, and more. It’s a great tool for reference, education, and vocabulary building and more.

3. Free Dictionary Org

Another Good Free English Dictionary online that gives you English definitions, synonyms, pronunciation and spelling. Some of the cool features of this Dictionary are mentioned below:

  • Auto-suggestion
  • Offline Database query when there is no network
  • Wikipedia Integration
  • Play quiz game
  • Searched word on Google Images
  • Search history

4. Thesaurus Free

This application for Android retrieve the synonym for every word. If available you will get antonyms, related terms, similar word and user suggestions too. This is also a good dictionary for android users.

5. Urban Dictionary

This application lookup words from Urban Dictionary or you can say this is a user generated source of modern slang. This dictionary Share words, Daily words, Shake for random word, History and Starred words. This can also serve you like a Home screen widget (widgets only if you have not moved the app to the SD card). I guess this is a best dictionary for users who have an interest in modern slangs.

6. Advanced English & Thesaurus

Advanced English & Thesaurus is a large lexical database of English with up to 140,000 entries and more than 1.4 million words. This Application is full of features but some of them are

  • Quick dynamic search of words while you type
  • Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
  • Hyperlinks between different related words
  • History to see the last 50 words you have looked up and more

7. Caloric Dictionary Wikipedia

Good Dictionary which Search a word and translate a sentence in Wikipedia, Wordnet, StarDict, Google Translate, Google Dictionary. It Supports StarDict, Wikipedia, Traslate and Wordnet. This made Fast search in offline & online dictionaries at once and the best thing about this dictionary is that if you want to share something with your friend all you have to do is Long click.

8. Offline Dictionary

Offline dictionaries allow you to browse dictionaries without a network connection, such as when you’re on a plane, traveling abroad, or out of cellular tower range. This would be a great application for Android users who have greater interest in exploring Dictionaries

9. Cambridge School Dictionary TR

This application must be best for student because  this includes vocabulary from all the main CLIL and International GCSE topics. App contains the whole dictionary in a handy, searchable format, and many more features to help you find the words you need and develop your language skills.

10. Advance Dictionary

Advanced Dictionary  provides you multi feature by acting like Language Translator  which allows you to translate in any direction between these world languages: English, Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili and Swedish. The application contains an offline database containing the basic vocabulary

11. Dictionary

Another Good Application for Android users using which you can get a real feel of social dictionary. Its Dictionaries for 13 different languages which also work as an Extensive offline dictionary. Also, you can share definitions via Facebook, Twitter, email, and text. Even search words without an Internet connection.

12. Multi Lang Dictionary + TTS

Multi Lang Dictionary / Translator with Text To Speech is powered by Google Dictionary, Google Translate and Wiktionary as online resources. This also includes 45 languages, more than 1900 language pairs for Google Translate alone and lots more which you came to know when you use it.

13. Dictionary WordWeb

Free offline English dictionary and thesaurus with synonyms, related words and great search  with no advertisement. Audio pronunciations are available in the separate Audio Edition app.

Editor Recommendation:

List of 160 Best Android Apps for 2014

So these are Best application which I found a better Dictionary for android user for users who are searching for Best Dictionary App

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Viney Dhiman
I'm a Mechanical Enggineer, Blogger & Geek. I've great interest in exploring technology. In free time I love to listen music, play online games and snooker :)