14 Best Android Astronomy Apps for Stargazers & Space Lovers 2014

If you’re the proud owner of Android mobile and looking for some of the best Android astronomy apps, then we suggest you just have a look at this article.


Have you ever wondered about exploring space just on your Android device, If not then start wondering! With the revolution of technology now you’re able to explore Ursa Major and Ursa Minor and more just from your Smartphone. And if you want to know everything about Mysterious Space then its time to explore it from your Android Smartphone

There are lots of Android astronomy apps available for stargazers at Google Play Store using which you can feel the real experience of Astronomer. But it’s a very tough job to check all of them one by one and choose the best out of them. So we decided to gather some of the best astronomy apps for stargazers under the same hood which makes it easier for you to grab the best apps for your device.

So without further ado, why don’t you start reading our first app:

1. Google Sky Map

Google Sky Map turns your Android-powered device into a window on the night sky. By using this application you can search for planets, grids, deep-sky objects, and also use the search functionality to find something specific in the atmosphere. And the bonus is that is free.

Price: Free

2. Star Chart

Star Chart is one of best selling Smartphone astronomy apps which is now available on Android. Using this you can have a virtual star chart in your pocket! Look through the eyes of your Android device* to see a virtual window into the whole visible universe.

Price: 3.14$ Approx

3. Astronomy Picture of the Day [APOD]

By using this app you can get the latest pictures from NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD). Another cool this about this application is that it is automatically downloaded and set as your home screen wallpaper so you can enjoy a beautiful new space background every day! Compatible with all launchers.

Price: Free

4. Moon Phase Pro

This great app will show you a moon calendar and what the moon phase was or will be for any date. It also shows you tons of other location-based moon data and has some very pretty animations to get the info across. This app will greatly work for Astronomers, Stargazers, Moon watchers, Outdoor enthusiasts, Photographers, and nerds.

Price: 1$ Approx

5. Planet’s Position

Another cool app for those who are always busy with calculations. This program is going to help you calculate the position of the planets in the night sky based on a given location on Earth.

Price: Free

6. Space Junk Pro

Space Junk Pro is another cool website that tells you everything about space. It will show satellites, planets, stars, and constellations. And also it has some different modes like Skyview mode, earthview mode, and more.

Price: 4.9$ Approx

7. Sundroid Pro Sunrise Sunset

Everything you need to know about the movements of the sun, moon, and planets just ask from this app and this will answer in a few seconds. By using this application you can calculate sunrise, sunset, twilights, golden hours, length of the day, the path of the sun and moon, moonrise & moonset times, and more for any date, anywhere in the world and that’s the reason really like this application and its recommended.

Price: 3.14$ Approx

8. NASA App

It’s the Official App of NASA that is what I can say about this application. Using this Come explore with NASA and discover a huge collection of stunning images, videos, mission information, news, NASA TV, and more.

Price: Free

9. Mobile Observatory – Astronomy

Cool app for sky’s wonders and occasional sky gazer. This app will not only include a live,  zoomable sky map telling you what sky object you are looking at but provide you with loads of detailed extra information on stars, planets, deep sky objects, meteor showers, comets, asteroids, lunar and solar eclipses.

Price: 4.4$ Approx

10. Vortex Planetarium -Astronomy

This application is just like a fully featured Planetarium. Using this you can turn your device into a digital telescope and also view the skies at any place in the world, at any point in time.

Price: 3.14 Approx

11. Stellarium Mobile

Stellarium Mobile is a fully-featured planetarium for your phone. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.

Price: $2.56

12. Zenith Telescope

Zenith is a telescope for your Android phone. Using this you can explore the night sky by pointing your mobile phone towards the sky. Watch hundreds of stars, their constellations, and our solar system’s planets.

Price: 3.99 USD

13. SkEye

SkEye is an advanced Planetarium that can also be used as a PUSHTO guide for telescopes. With the help of this android application, you can get familiar with Astronomy by identifying stars, constellations, and deep sky objects from the Messier and NGC catalogs.

14. SkySafari Pro

SkySafari Pro will completely replace your desktop astronomy software, and forever change the way you view the night sky. With SkySafari Pro, you can now explore the universe – not just from Earth, but from anywhere in the Milky Way galaxy.

Price: 36.26 USD

So these are the Best Astronomy Apps which we think are the best for stargazing, but if you feel we forgot to add some good apps use our comment section and share those names.

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Viney Dhiman
I'm a Mechanical Enggineer, Blogger & Geek. I've great interest in exploring technology. In free time I love to listen music, play online games and snooker :)