How to Take Screenshot of Screen in Recovery Mode of Android [New HTC Devices]

When android device made their first step into the Smartphone market, taking a screenshot of screen in recovery mode is something which is impossible to do. After a few months, it becomes possible to take a screenshot of your android device recovery of choice using DDMS. But this option, no longer works with latest HTC devices. But not to worry anymore because XDA Recognized Developer/Themer Whiskey103 finally have a solution to this.  And, this will defiantly help to overcome the limitation to use DDMS for screenshots in recovery on latest HTC Devices.

Take Screenshot of Screen in Recovery Mode of Android

Basically solution discovered by Whiskey comes in the form of script which is used to take snapshots via ADB which uses an open source project called android-fb2png by Kyan He. Actually software is divided into two parts, Yes you’re right! First one is for PC and other one for the device.

Screenshot 2

How this whole process from Script to PC and  Device going to take place is listed below:

1. With the help of Whiskey script , you will able to grab a screenshot in very timely and free manner.

2. After execution script will automatically push needed files to your device, and run your desktop application.

3.  And it will pull the screenshot into your ADB folder

Voila you’re done! So this the basic principle on which this whole process going to work

No doubt that everyone wants to take a screenshot in recovery mode of android device, but if you have option why not to take advantage of that option. If you want to check more about this amazing software visit original forum thread, You can also provide feedback to developers using this thread because this is the only thing which is required by developers. Also don’t forget to share with us about what you think about this software

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Viney Dhiman
I'm a Mechanical Enggineer, Blogger & Geek. I've great interest in exploring technology. In free time I love to listen music, play online games and snooker :)