7 Best Tools to Root Android Mobile [One Click Root]

Tools to Root Android Mobile

This post was originally posted on the It’s About Mobile, whose  owner regularly contributes articles on Nerd’s Magazine about Smartphone Apps and Guide.

Tools to Root Android Mobile

No doubt rooting an Android mobile comes with tons of benefits, but rooting a mobile require lots of technical knowledge and one mistake can increase the risk of getting brick.

To make this process easier lots of developers have developed rooting software with the help of which user can root android device just by making a few clicks. And in this opinion piece I’m going to share with you some good tools which help you in rooting your android mobile. So without further ado, let us have a look at some of them:

1. One Click Root

One Click Root is one of the most popular software for rooting android devices. With just one click, you can root any android mobile and tablet and get access to lots of new and amazing features. Guess what? You don’t have to pay a single penny to grab this tool.

2. SRSRoot

SRSRoot is another easy to use solution for rooting any of your android mobile and tablet. This software has multiple exploits to gain root access on your device. One thing which definitely going to like about this tool is, that with this tool also provides you option to unroot your device just by make one click.

3. UnlockRoot

You can also use UnlockRoot to root your Android phone and help you get maximum user privileges. This tool also has support for Samsung Galaxy S/S2/S3. Note/Note 2, HTC One X, Amazon Kindle Fire, LG Nexus 4 and more. But you need to buy this tool by paying $29

4. SRS Easy Root

With SRS Easy Root you can permanently root and unroot your Android Mobile or tablet with ease.. One thing which makes this software unique from others, that it’s not loaded with ads. Also, I forget to mention that its 100% free.

5. SuperOneClick

Its another good one click android rooting software by XDA Recognized developer CL ShortFuse. It’s the application that will work for almost every reader who’s currently reading this article.

6. Universal Androot

Another amazing tool that lets your root and remove the root from your android mobile just with click on one button. One thing which I really like about UniversalAndroot is that you still get an OTA software update after your device is rooted.

7. Unrevoked

If you’re dying to get root access to any of HTC android mobile, Or you don’t know how ADB Works, Or you get confused by Custom recoveries, then give a try to Unrevoked.

So these are some best tools to root Android mobile which I found over the web and forums, and working fine for Android users. So give a try to these tools and also let us know if you using any other tool for your device.

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Viney Dhiman
I'm a Mechanical Enggineer, Blogger & Geek. I've great interest in exploring technology. In free time I love to listen music, play online games and snooker :)