Today’s article is the answer to the question which is asked by one of our regular readers, i.e. What are some best Social Bookmarking Apps for Android. And if you’re looking for the same types of apps for your device, then we recommend you must check this article.

If you’ve shared a link to your friend which you find to be interesting, then you have participated in Social Bookmarking. Lots of people don’t even know exactly What are these Social Bookmarking? So before you start reading about Best Social Bookarmking Apps for Android, You might love to little quote as defined by the RFU
Social Bookmarking Site
Social bookmarking sites allow you to store, and share links across the internet, meaning that if you see a page on the site that you want to share with other people, or save for future reference you can click on one of these links to add it to your list.
SO after reading about the quote, it’s clear what exactly bookmarking sites are, so without further ado, let us come back to our topic on which this whole article is based i.e. Best Android Apps for Social Bookmarking
1. Delicious
It’s one of the most popular bookmarking service that allow you to store, share, and discover web bookmark. With this app you can browse your saved bookmarks and, add new ones.
2. Reddit
Another popular social news site where registered users can submit content in the form of links or text posts. This is an old app which has the most feature complete set of stuff that is possible with reddit and then some.
3. StumbleUpon
StumbleUpon is the easiest way to discover and share cool new stuff on the Internet. Stumble with your Android phone or tablet to make discover a part of your daily journey. Using app you can stumble through fun new photos, videos, and webpages — personalized just for you.
4. Twitter
Twitter is the best way that provides you an option to connect, express yourself and discover what’s happening. Using this app you can express yourself with photos, videos and comments. You can also get real-time stories, pictures, videos, conversations, ideas, and inspiration all in your timeline.
5. Pinterest
Pinterest is a tool to help you discover and plan things you want to do. When you find something that looks interesting, just Pin it!. All your pins are visual bookmarks that you organize and share the way you want.
6. Hacker News
Hacker News is a social bookmarking site for hacker, codes and developers which is a very active community and send you more than 100,000 unique visitors. With this app you can browse top articles, new articles and ask hacker news. You can also read articles, make comments on them and vote too.
7. Digg
A fast, clean, and simple real-time reading app which delivers you the most popular stories on the Internet. You can find and follow your favorite online publisher. Also, if you like any story you’ve the option to digg your favorite stories and share them via Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Tumblr, LinkedIn, email, and text
8. lets you easily publish gorgeous online magazines by curating content on your favorite topic. Using this app you can select, edit and publish posts in the same engaging visual format as from the Web site. You can also share your post on other social networking site.
9. Diggo
Social bookmarking service that allows signed-up users to bookmark and tag web-pages. With this app you can add text notes, take pictures, add bookmarks to your library. You can also organize text note, picture, bookmarks, etc. Into lists.
Note: You can also use Popular Social Networking Android Apps like Facebook and Google Plus, as Social Bookmarking
So these are some of the best Social Bookmarking Apps for Android, which you can try. You can also share with us the name of the app that we forget to mention in the list.
Image Credit: AvatarGeneration
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