Five Best Industries For GPS Dash Cams

It is always important to be safe on the road, and it’s even more important if you are running a business. 

Work vehicles getting into collisions is a manager’s nightmare. Collisions are expensive to repair, often cause injuries, damage your company’s reputation, and raise your insurance premiums, all of which harm your company’s progress. 

But collisions aren’t the only problem that can affect your fleet. Maybe your drivers are getting tons of tickets. Maybe you need video evidence to protect your crew from false accusations or insurance fraud. Maybe you need to know exactly where that flat tire happened. Maybe you need better ways to monitor reckless or distracted driving. 

A great way to solve these issues is with GPS dash cameras. Dash cams are typically installed in the cab and record the windshield view of the vehicle.  

Some dash cams are also configured with GPS tracking and send location data to the product’s server, which allows managers to check on a vehicle in real-time from the back office or their phone. 

If you run a fleet of vehicles in any of these five industries, then you might want to equip the fleet with GPS dash cams. 

Trucking Companies 

If your business uses large trucks or semis then you’re going to want GPS dash cam technology. Whether you have big rigs going from coast to coast or moving vans commuting through tightly-packed residential streets, it is always helpful to get the driver’s view in real-time

Tractor trailer truck with a flatbed hauling giant tote bags of materials

Truckers naturally make mistakes when they go through the unwieldy conditions of secluded highways, and front-facing cams give managers a first-hand look at the problems. Some services let you check in on drivers during their trip so you can make sure they don’t get too close to other cars or drift out of lane. Furthermore, AI-enabled dash cams like CameraMatics can promptly notify fleet managers when aggressive driver behavior is detected, ensuring swift action can be taken to address potential safety concerns.

It helps urban trucking too. For example, if a civilian driver falsely claims one of your trucks backed into their car, you can get ahead of insurance fraud and prove they are incorrect with footage of the truck driving safely. 

If the dash cam is configured with GPS tracking then you can see exactly where the truck is from the back office and see if they are getting to their next stop on time. 

Mining/Oil and Gas 

Mining and oil and gas vehicles usually don’t encounter civilian traffic, but they still come across plenty of hazards on the jobsite. Trucks and heavy equipment need to make their way through rugged corridors, steep inclines and remote highways to transport raw materials. 

Similar to trucking, GPS tracking is great for these industries because managers don’t have to spend time and energy finding a lost truck when they can just locate it from their phone. 

The standard recording abilities can help as well. If a shipping vehicle suffers a broken axle on a trip, the footage shows when it happened so you can see if it was the driver’s fault or an unavoidable outcome. Additionally, a lot of providers have driver-facing cams that let you know exactly how a driver acts inside the cab. 

This type of supervision will lead to better driving among your crew since they know they can’t lie about an error or get away with distracted driving.  

Delivery Services 

No matter what your business delivers, GPS dash cams can assist the driver in getting the product to the right destination. 

Cameras are vital to delivery companies because they provide video proof of when and where a delivery was made. Many services come with side view features that would show the curbside view of the driver walking to the house and dropping off a package. 

Using this type of technology will lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction because your drivers will be on their best behavior and people will appreciate the extra information about their delivery. 

With so many porch pirates stealing boxes from people’s doorsteps, dash cam footage can cover your company if something happened after a package was dropped off. 

delivery man at the back of an open truck

Private Transport 

Charter buses, airport shuttles, taxis, limousines, and even party buses all benefit from GPS dash cams.  

Being able to check in on drivers is even more important when they are riding with passengers. If you suspect a driver is distracted or inappropriately interacting with passengers, then you can buzz in to get things back on track. The camera’s GPS feature also helps you know if the driver got to the destination on time. 

Dash cam night vision capabilities would come in handy for airport shuttles with early morning drop-offs, late-night limo rides and more. The night vision still has standard lane monitoring from any video angle, so you’ll still get the same detailed information that you would during the day. 

Cities & Municipalities 

While cities, municipalities and other governmental agencies aren’t officially businesses per se, GPS dash cams would still help them out quite a bit. 

You don’t want staff members recklessly driving government vehicles and possibly getting into accidents with civilians, so you can use the dash cams to coach them out of bad habits to limit incidents in the future. That way, your department will spend less money on vehicle repairs and less time dealing with insurance claims. 

Furthermore, driver-facing cams ensure that drivers are following the rules of the road at all times. You can monitor seatbelt use, cell phone use, distracted driving, driver fatigue, lane departure, and smoking to make sure department vehicles don’t draw any negative attention.

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