10 Best Document Scanner Apps for Android Mobile

Best Scanner Apps for Android

If you’re the one who’s looking for answers to questions i.e. Which are best Document Scanner Apps for Android? Or How to convert your Android Mobile in Document Scanner? Then you must read this article.

Sometimes you see text, document or a friends note, and want to save them for future purpose. The first solution which always comes in mind is taking a snapshot of a document using your mobile device and save it to the gallery. But this solution has lots of drawbacks like poor image quality, distortion due to bad camera angle, brightness is not good and you also need to crop the extra area and adjust the width.

There is also another solution to this query, and it’s in your palm of your hand. We all know that the Android mobile is capable of doing everything, then why can’t we use it as a document scanner? As it has all the photographic and processing power which is needed to snap your document and cloud them where ever you want.

Best Scanner Apps for Android

And in this article I intend to share with you some document scanner apps for Android which convert your mobile into document scanner

1. Document Scanner

Document Scanner allows you to scan documents and receipts with your phone camera, convert them to PDF. Its best portable scanner for Scanning docs,convert to PDF. Email/upload to GDocs/Dropbox/Evernote to share/store.

Price : 3.9$ Approx

2. Scan To PDF

“Scan To PDF” another awesome application that lets you scan (or import) documents using your phone’s camera. Scanned documents are converted into a PDF. PDF files are stored on SD card and can be shared or uploaded to a Google doc. You can also try free version to give a test to this application

Price : 1.8$ Approx

3. CamScanner -Phone PDF Creator

CamScanner turns your Android phone into a scanner. By using which you can simply digitize any paper documents by photo shooting. All you have to do is take snaps and cam scanner will automatically enhance the image quality to industry standard  PDF and you have uploaded it cloud like Dropbox, Google Doc, Box.net.

Price : Free

4. Droid Scan Pro PDF

Droid Scan Pro PDF is the ultimate PDF creator which can give same feature and quality just like office scanner with the mobility of your cell. Key features are

  • You can easily convert Image to PDF in a few seconds
  • It helps in sharing, note taking, storing documents for future reference
  • Provided to Google Docs  and Evernote integration
  • Email PDFs straight from the application
  • Portable mobile scanning: anywhere, anytime
  • Provided with Image filters like ‘High contrast, Grayscale, adjust the exposure, contrast and brightness
  • You will get editing options like zoom, rescan, rotate, reorder, delete

Price : 4.3$ Approx

5. Portable Scanner

Another Identical application just likes above mentioned but it has some less features then above but it cost less and provide good quality according to cost. Portable scanner provides features like

  • An option for setting quality level is available
  • You can rotate check the image before converting it into pdf
  • You can share your converted pdf file via email
  • It’s also provided with Grayscale/Mono feature help to set contrast

Price : 2$ Approx

6. DocScanner S

DocScanner S  is a pdf creator application which enables users to scan documents on the road. It vastly improves the quality of camera shot by fixing geometry, removing shadows, fixing white balance and by sharpening the image and more.  Its unique combination of high speed and clear image quality make it a must-have productivity app.

Price : 3.00 $ Approx

7. PDF Scanner

Another cool application as its clear from the name it works like scanner and do all functions just like the above mentioned document scanner. You can also give try to this tool if you like to explore new  applications.

Price : 2$ Approx

8. Shoebox

Another cool android application that convert your android mobile into mobile photo scanner which help you to scan your old papers photos and share them with your friends and family. You can also save your scanned images directly to Ancestry.com or your phone gallery’s

Price: Free

9. Handy Scanner Pro

Say goodbye the piles of paper that follow you around when you’re using Handy Scanner, which convert your tablet and mobile into the powerful document scanner. With this application you can scan whiteboards, multipage documents, business cards and much more.

Price: $3.99

10. Google Drive’s- Scan Feature

Google Drive app now also has scan feature and work very fine.  To scan a document you just need to click “+” sign in the top corner and here choose “scan” and aim your device camera to document. With this application you can take snaps of the document, save it in PDF format and upload it to Google Drive and guess what it also apply optical- character recognition of the image.

Price: Free

So these are some of the best Document Scanner Apps for Android must give a try to these applications and let us know which one worked fine for you. You can also share with us the name of your favorite application which we forget to add to this list.

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Viney Dhiman
I'm a Mechanical Enggineer, Blogger & Geek. I've great interest in exploring technology. In free time I love to listen music, play online games and snooker :)