5 Ways To Make Sure Your Clothes Don’t Stink!

When you’re living in the dorm, it can be difficult sometimes to find the time to wash your clothing. You’ve typically got to go to the bottom floor of your building, fight other students for the right to two or three machines, and then guard those machines with your life so no one pranks you! The alternative is the public laundromat, but you’re going to pay even more to use those machines. Don’t you wish there was an alternative?

There is. With these dorm compatible washing machines, you’ll be able to wash your clothes in your own room without dealing with the hassle of a public laundry ever again. If you need to dry your clothes, then just hang them up to dry with this handy retractable clothes line!

#1. Wonder Washer

This washing machine is one of those As Seen on TV products that always make you kind of wonder if they’ll actually work. The Wonder Washer does work, but you’ll have to wash one pair of jeans at a time through it if you really want them to get clean. It does an excellent job on your shirts and any delicate items you might have, however, and as an added bonus, it’s completely automatic.  It won’t replace a full-scale washing machine, but it will get your clothes clean without a huge cost.

#2. Panda Power Washer

This is probably the best dorm washing machine that you can pick up right now. It can handle up to 7 pounds of clothing at a time and all you’ve got to do is add water, soap, laundry detergent sheets, and set the timer. It also spins the clothes for you, something that other dorm washers don’t always do, so you can cut drying times by quite a bit with an investment into this washer.

#3. Wonderwash

If price is your main issue, then you can’t go wrong with this dorm washing machine. It’s more suited for those articles of clothing that are to be hand washed only, but it can serve to help you get through all of your clothes if you’re in a pinch. It’s also really fast, taking only a couple of minutes to wash each load and it can hold up to 5 pounds of clothes.

#4. Mobile Washer

Maybe you’re so broke in your dorm that all you’ve got is a 5 gallon pail to stick your dirty clothes in to wash them. If that’s the case, then this mobile washer can still help you agitate your clothing within the bucket to get them clean! It’s a little better than just using the toilet plunger, but not as good as having an actual machine doing the work for you.

As an extra benefit, you can also churn butter with this device if you’re so inclined.

#5. Pulsator

Instead of having an agitator clean your clothing, this 1 cubic foot model will pulsate your clothing like a giant vibrator. That helps to shake the dirt clean within the stainless steel wash tub. It fits into tight spaces, has drain hoses that are actually useful, and also gives you some actual wash cycles to use. On the down side, it’s expensive enough that an extra $50 can buy you a regular washing machine to use.

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Graeme Sandlin
A theologian of the odd. I love all things tech, especially if there's a sci-fi element to it. You'll find something special I've created every day... and not just on the internet.