What To Know Before Choosing an MBA Program

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Photo by Lisa Fotios: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-rolling-armchair-beside-table-1957478/

Starting the journey to earn a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree is a significant decision with a profound impact on your career. Pursuing an MBA often stems from the desire to improve managerial skills, increase earning potential, or switch to a new industry. However, choosing the right MBA program should not be taken lightly.


With various options available, ranging from traditional on-campus programs to online formats, potential students need to consider several factors to ensure their chosen program aligns with their career goals and personal circumstances.

For those considering this educational path, Portugal stands out as an attractive option, especially for individuals looking for a balance between affordability and quality. This European country, known for its rich history and vibrant culture, has established itself as an educational hub, offering an MBA experience that combines traditional European business education with modern flexibility. 


The cost of an MBA program is significant, so affordability is a key factor for many applicants. When exploring MBA options, it’s essential to look beyond tuition fees and consider the overall return on investment (ROI). Choosing a country with a strong educational infrastructure is vital.

Portugal consistently ranks among the top 30 educational systems worldwide. Some programs, especially online ones, can provide a high-quality education at a more budget-friendly price point.

For example, a very affordable online MBA program in Portugal can result in substantial savings compared to on-campus programs in other countries, all while maintaining the quality of education.

However, affordability goes beyond just the upfront cost. You should also consider additional expenses that may not be immediately evident, such as expenses for books, case materials, potential international residencies, and other miscellaneous fees that can add up.

Additionally, some programs might require you to take time off from work. Therefore, it’s crucial to conduct a comprehensive analysis of all associated expenses to make an informed decision that won’t strain your finances in the long term.


An MBA program’s reputation and accreditation serve as quality indicators, significantly impacting your future career prospects. Accreditation from recognized organizations ensures adherence to academic standards and global recognition.

Additionally, an MBA degree from a respected institution can bolster your resume, providing access to sought-after positions and professional networks. When researching, prioritize programs accredited by reputable bodies. This accreditation assures a relevant, rigorous curriculum delivered by qualified faculty.

Furthermore, evaluate the school’s reputation through rankings, alumni achievements, and industry connections. While rankings shouldn’t be the sole deciding factor, they offer insights into the program’s standing in the wider educational and professional spheres.


The diverse range of MBA programs allows you to find a curriculum tailored to various business sectors and career goals. Whether your interests lie in finance, technology, sustainability, or entrepreneurship, there’s likely a specialization that aligns with your ambitions.

Thoroughly exploring the focus areas offered by different MBA programs ensures your education equips you with specialized skills and knowledge tailored to your specific career path.

Seek out programs that provide a strong foundation in general business principles along with comprehensive coursework in your chosen area. A focused MBA can be particularly advantageous when aiming to refine a specific skill set or prepare for a particular industry.

Additionally, consider the teaching approach, whether it emphasizes practical, hands-on learning or a more theoretical approach. The curriculum should also adapt to current business trends and challenges, preparing you to navigate a rapidly evolving global business landscape effectively.


The format of an MBA program is a key consideration, particularly if you have other commitments such as a full-time job or family responsibilities. Flexibility plays a significant role in your decision-making. Online programs typically offer the greatest flexibility, enabling you to study from anywhere and at times that suit your schedule.

girl doing homework
Photo by Daniel Chekalov on Unsplash

When comparing programs, assess whether a part-time or full-time schedule aligns with your needs and explore how courses are delivered. Some may require scheduled live sessions, while others provide materials for self-paced learning. Understanding the format assists you in selecting a program that seamlessly integrates into your life without causing excessive disruption.


The quality of an MBA program is greatly influenced by the expertise of its faculty. Instructors with real-world experience bring valuable insights to the classroom, bridging the gap between academic theories and practical business knowledge.

Before making your choice, research the faculty members of the MBA programs under consideration. Seek a diverse group of instructors who excel both academically and professionally.

Access to faculty can enhance your learning experience. Smaller class sizes may offer more opportunities for one-on-one interaction, mentorship, and personalized feedback, which can be especially valuable in refining your business skills.


An often overlooked aspect of an MBA program is the strength of its alumni network. A vibrant, supportive, and active alumni network can be a valuable source of opportunities, potentially leading to job offers, partnerships, or funding for entrepreneurial ventures.

During your research, investigate the alumni networks of the schools you’re interested in. Consider their level of engagement, the events they organize, and their interactions with current students.


The primary goal of pursuing an MBA is typically career advancement, making it essential to select a program with robust career support services. Good MBA programs offer career counseling, assistance with resume writing, interview preparation, and job placement services. They may also have strong ties with businesses and recruiters, providing networking events and on-campus recruitment opportunities.

It’s worthwhile to review the program’s job placement statistics and speak with alumni about their experiences with the career services department. This can offer valuable insights into how well the program supports your career objectives.


Lastly, the program’s overall culture and learning environment should not be underestimated. Since you’ll spend a significant amount of time interacting with peers and faculty, it’s crucial to ensure the environment fosters your personal growth.

Consider the program’s values and ethos, and whether they align with your own. The diversity of the student body, the balance between collaboration and competition, and the availability of extracurricular opportunities can all influence your overall experience.


Selecting the ideal MBA program is a thoughtful and considered process. It goes beyond mere cost considerations and encompasses the quality of education, the opportunities it affords, and its alignment with your personal and professional aspirations. It can yield a remarkable return on investment, striking a balance between affordability, flexibility, and high-quality education.

By taking into account these eight factors — cost-effectiveness, accreditation and reputation, curriculum specialization, flexibility, faculty expertise, networking possibilities, career support, and cultural harmony — you will be better prepared to choose a program that suits your needs.

Keep in mind that the time and effort you invest in selecting an MBA program is an investment in your future. Dedicate yourself to research, engage with alumni, ask questions, and ultimately, trust your judgment to make the best decision for your career advancement. If you’re looking for some fun ways to sharpen your skills on your own, check out these business learning games.

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Brenda Coles
I'm an elementary school teacher who became a stay-at-home mother when my first child was born. I love to write about lifestyle, education, and news-related topics.