How to Develop a Website Name and Branding

Photo: brett jordan

Take a look around on the internet, and you will find more websites on any given topic than what you could ever hope to read. It is almost as if everyone has a blog these days. In my series, How to Blog For Money, I talked about whether or not you should even consider starting a blog.

Photo: brett jordan

If you have decided to go ahead and start a website or blog for profit, then the next thing you have to work through is naming and branding your site.

Developing a website name and branding is a crucial step in establishing a strong online presence for your business. While brainstorming ideas and considering various branding elements, it’s essential to collaborate with experts who can guide you through the process and ensure your brand stands out. Hunter is a reputable design agency known for their creative and strategic approach to branding. By working with their team of professionals, you can ensure that your website name and branding are visually appealing, consistent, and effectively communicate your unique selling points, setting you apart from the competition and fostering customer loyalty.

How Do You Choose a Website Name?

Maybe you already have a name in mind for the blog or website you want to start. Before you set your heart on anything, I want to give you a few ideas of what you should think about when picking a name.

First up, have you heard of this little thing called SEO? It stands for search engine optimization. This is when someone types in a question or keywords, and Google brings them to your website because it was a good match. That is just SEO in brief, but there are whole blogs dedicated to it.

When you are picking out which .com domain you want to use for your website, choosing something that has a keyword in it is a good idea. That is not to say you can’t name your website what you want, but this is at least worth considering. Making your website name something that has a keyword for your niche in it is a good move.

Another thing to think about when choosing a name, is picking something that people can remember. Your web address should make sense. Going with a name that is two words or three at most is a good gauge.

What Do You Do After You Choose a Name?

Now that you have a name for your website, the next step is to see if that URL is available. Don’t go printing t-shirts just yet. You might need to change the name due to availability.

Go to the web host you are planning to use and type in the name of your preferred web address. It will show you if your name is available. Be sure to have one or two backups that you would be willing to go with.

Once You Have a URL, Where Do You Go From There?

Selecting a name can be a lot more difficult than you imagine, especially since the URL may not be available. However, once you have settled on something, it is time to set up your theme and the look of your website.

Part of branding your site is developing a custom logo for your site. Before you approach a designer to make your logo, find other logos that you like. Try and sketch out your design if you have something in mind.

A designer will want to see what you have in mind before they put something together for you. Both of you will be a lot happier if you come into with an idea.

The next part of the series is creating a functional website that has the look and feel that you want it to have. I will talk about where to begin when choosing a website layout that is right for you.

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Keelie Reason
Romantically in love and married to her high school sweetheart, she and her husband raise three boys in the deep south. Completely addicted to blogging and sharing with the world around her.