How To Boost Your Brand Awareness With Custom Stickers

We can measure engagement on social media, click-through and conversion rates, and website traffic. But what about brand awareness? 

Now, this can be difficult. Brand awareness describes how many consumers actively know about your brand and what they associate with your business. This belongs to the branch of brand marketing and is notoriously tricky to measure. 

Especially if you are just starting out, or have a limited budget, it can feel risky to invest in something so ambiguous. But it does not have to be. 

In this article, we will show you how you can boost your brand awareness with custom vinyl stickers like these ones available on Stickerit. Stickers are effective, yet low-cost marketing tools that can help you reach new customers, conquer new markets, and increase your visibility. So, let us jump right in. 

1. The original social media

When you think of stickers, you might think of kids collecting and exchanging them on the playground. This proves one of the most important aspects of why sticker marketing works: they are intrinsically sharable. 

Before social media, stickers were used to promote events, product releases, or businesses, simply because these colorful beauties capture the attention of the consumer. Many sticker printers offer amazing effect materials that will make your stickers stand out even more. 

The beauty of using stickers is that you can make them work online as well as offline. You can add them to existing campaigns, share them online, or even create a sticker marketing campaign from scratch. If this sounds like something you want to try, run a search for guerrilla marketing to find inspiration. 

2. Use the power of free stickers

Did you know that including free stickers with every purchase is a real power move? When we receive stickers, we do not see them as advertising. Instead, we consider them to be a gift. 

The giving of gifts has long been part of marketing, but it can be difficult to find the sweet spot between adding value to your customers’ experiences and sticking to your budget. With stickers, this is not a problem as they are such a low-risk investment. 

On top of that, the gift-giving actives a psychological reaction called the rule of reciprocity. This is a concept coined in social psychology and describes how we feel the need to return the favor after having received a gift. In the business world, this can trigger repeat purchases or even a post on social media. 

3. Brand ambassadors

Let us take this even further. When customers associate positive feelings with your brand, they are also more likely to use the free stickers you include in every order. Especially if you include a stunning design or a funny quote. 

Just think about your design used as a phone or laptop sticker for the world to see! This is essentially an opportunity to turn your loyal customers into brand ambassadors that create exponential visibility for your brand. 

On top of that, each of your stickers will be accompanied by a happy customer who is ready to sing your praises once asked about your brand – all for the price of a sticker. 

Are you ready to boost your brand awareness with custom stickers? We hope so and are excited for you. If you have any questions or more tips you want to share, please do not be shy and leave a comment below. 

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