5 Ways Technology is Helping the Hospitality Industry

technology in the hospitality industry
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Over the years, technology has become an integral part of our daily life. From turning on the lights in our bedrooms to driving our cars, technology has got us covered! However, its ever-rising influence is not restricted to individuals; it also changes how businesses run. The hospitality industry is no exception. See how technology in the hospitality industry is transforming those businesses and improving their customers’ experiences.

One of the fundamental tenets of the hospitality industry is to deliver excellent guest experiences, and recent years have demonstrated how technology can help hotels in achieving this on a large scale and in a personalized manner. You can control the lights and temperature and even order room service at the push of a button! This blog will examine the far-reaching effects of the recent spate of technological breakthroughs, which have affected every facet of the hospitality industry, from internal processes to the quality of the service provided to guests.

1. Housekeeping Management Software

The hospitality industry is very competitive, so it’s important to know what’s new in hospitality technology. Using cutting-edge technology could boost precision to a level human staff would otherwise have difficulty reaching on their own. Businesses can benefit from technological advancements in the area of housekeeping management to:

  • reduce costs
  • increase staff productivity
  • organize workflows and teams
  • improve internal communications
  • get more positive guest reviews

Resort Cleaning’s hotel housekeeping software is a classic case in point. Their technology solution helps manage sales, reporting, housekeeping, customer service, and more via an all-in-one, easy-to-use, intuitive platform. Here are its top features:

  • Online scheduling of daily housekeeping and maintenance tasks
  • Quickbooks integration for bookkeeping, payroll, and invoices
  • mobile application for team management, housekeeper grading, etc.
  • property and stockroom supply inventory management
  • business service integrations like spas, sports, gyms, ticket booking, etc.
  • Custom inspection checklists, property photos, and specific appointment notes to drive customers’ expectations

What’s more, their software allows seamless integrations with numerous property management software (PMS) and online travel agents (OTA), so you can bid farewell to tedious, time-consuming, spreadsheet-heavy processes and say hello to:

  • increased revenue
  • better budgeting
  • significant cost-cutting
  • more balanced workloads and schedules
  • happier guests

2. Data-Driven Personalized Customer Service

Now, management software can keep track of personal preferences that are linked directly to customer accounts. You can obtain this information from people who have visited your hotel before. Data scientists can also get this information online, either from what customers tell them or by watching what they do online. Hotels can use this data to offer services like:

  • room temperature settings
  • room location preferences
  • promotional discounts on hotel activities
  • cuisine and menu preferences

Not only will this technology decrease the number of complaints and special requests, but the hotel personnel will also have more time to be one step ahead of the guests’ needs.

3. Environment-Friendly Automation and Adaptation

Every level of society, from households to states to multinational organizations, must incorporate environmental sustainability into their daily practices. So should the hospitality industry.

  • About 1% of all carbon emissions come from the hospitality industry. It needs to cut its carbon emissions by 66% by 2030 and 90% by 2050 compared to what they were in 2010.
  • Water is crucial for various hotel operations, including food and beverages, irrigation, spas and pools, and guest rooms. A typical hotel visitor uses eight times as much water as the local population in some places.
  • About one-third of all animal and plant species are on the brink of extinction. This is a big problem for the hospitality industry, which depends heavily on the natural world to draw customers. The industry impacts biodiversity directly (through land and resource usage and pollution) and indirectly (e.g., through generating greenhouse gasses and actions to ensure supply chain continuity).

Above all else, providing a comfortable indoor atmosphere is one of the most critical aspects of the hospitality industry. Whether they are staying with you for the night, the weekend, or longer, your guests will expect to relax and unwind in the best style and comfort. After all, many of your guests will see your business as a place to get away from the busyness of everyday life and relax in style. With this in mind, climate control should be a hotel’s top priority.

Thankfully, nowadays, the primary goal of the hospitality industry is to reduce energy consumption without compromising the guest experience. Technology in the hospitality industry allows hotels to improve customer experience at the same time as they reduce their environmental impact. They accomplish this through the use of technologies such as:

  • smart thermostats adjust heating and cooling when a room is occupied or about to be occupied
  • occupancy sensors to turn off lights and air conditioners when a space is unoccupied
  • Eco-friendly practices to reduce waste. These can include:
  • compostable dishware,
  • reusable napkins,
  • sustainable laundry routine

All of these help cut down on overall energy consumption. Even switching from desktop computers to tablet consoles at the front desk saves a lot of power.

4. Integration of Smartphones and Tablets

Automated, keyless entry to guest rooms — previously limited to big hospitality players like Hilton and Marriott — has become the industry standard. You already use your smartphone to book commutes, accommodations, dining spots, recreational activities, and amusement attractions. You might as well use it as your hotel key and personal concierge.

Many hotels have also begun automating their front desk to let their guests enjoy the benefits of contactless access to their rooms and digital check-in and check-out. Also, to further streamline operations and ensure impeccable guest service, many are using Sweeply for hospitality managers to automate and optimize housekeeping tasks.

Well, why not? It’s more hygienic, saves money on operating costs, and makes guests happier.

On your hand-held device, you can install hotel apps to:

  • pick a room
  • call room service
  • compare pricing and accessibility
  • read guest reviews

Making the entire hotel experience quick and uncomplicated will ensure your guests’ satisfaction from start to finish.

5. Social Media Marketing and Customer Feedback for Growth

The modern customer is also the most knowledgeable person you’ve ever had at your front desk. Most of them would have already seen the photographs of your rooms, read feedback from previous guests, and checked out the amenities that make a stay comfortable before checking in. How did this happen? Well, social networks like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, etc., are the answer.

No hospitality business can hope to be successful without a robust social presence. These days, hotels and restaurant chains use tech-enabled growth hacking tools to conduct market research, create polls and surveys to get actionable feedback from recent customers, remedy bad experiences, and win disgruntled guests back. Put simply, when technology and hotel management work hand-in-hand together, they raise the guests’ expectations and make it easier for hotel staff to provide excellent customer service.


The intersection of technology with one of the most customer-focused businesses has led us to demand more from the hospitality industry. A hotel reservation involves more than just locating a place to sleep. It has turned into an experience. As technology progresses, people want the same kind of personalized service along with the added convenience of gadgets and automation.

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Brenda Coles
I'm an elementary school teacher who became a stay-at-home mother when my first child was born. I love to write about lifestyle, education, and news-related topics.