14 Products That Bring Out Your Inner Nerd

The best thing about being a nerd is that you can just be you. There are no rules that must be followed, shows that must be watched, or clothing that must be worn. With that being said, one of the most common ways to bring out your inner nerd is to use certain products that you see your favorite characters using.

If you’re ready to bring out your inner nerd, then here are the products you’re going to want to start using.

Kor Water Bottle

#1. Kor Water Bottles Iron Man uses a Kor water bottle and so should you. Why? Because they are built to last. They’re practical and well designed so you won’t have to worry about getting a drink when you’re thirsty. Channel your Tony Stark, assemble your own team of Avengers, and get this water bottle to bring out your inner nerd.

Tablet Computer

#2. Tablet Computers When you watched Stargate Atlantis all those years ago, it was pretty cool that all of the scientists would go running around using these touchpad tablet/computer combinations. Those are widely available today, but we recommend this version from HP. It’s high powered, is tough enough to resist a little wear and tear, and really replicates the feeling of running around a base on a foreign planet as you stream your favorite Netflix movie through your Chromecast to your television.

Geek Pen

#3. The Ultimate Geek Pen So it’s not the sonic screwdriver that the good Doctor uses, but it does offer a lot of versatility. You can play with your cat using the laser pointer, the lights are useful at night, and it looks cool enough to bring out your inner nerd. It might not work for Whovian cosplay, but it will work for every day nerdism fun.


#4. Rayban Aviators Channeling your inner Tom Cruise today might mean embracing Scientology, but back in the day it meant becoming a Top Gun pilot. The video game was pretty awesome, especially on a Tandy 386 because it had multiplayer options. Even more awesome, however, is to slip on a pair of Raybans to channel your inner nerd. Just make sure you don’t quote the movie if you visit the real Top Gun school – they’ll try to fine you.

Wilson Volleyball

#5. Wilson Volleyball It might not have been the best movie Tom Hanks ever made, but it had one of the best ever supporting characters in it. Get your own Wilson volleyball with Wilson on the cover and you’ll be able to show the depths of nerdism you truly have.

Starlord Goggles

#6. Starlord’s Goggles Guardians of the Galaxy is one of the biggest hits of Summer 2014 and Starlord is one pretty cool character. If you’re wearing these goggles, you’ll be able to bring out your inner nerd in a less cheesy, non-licensed way. As an added benefit, they work quite well when engaged in a massive end of the season water balloon fight!

Cherry Bombs

#7. Cherry Bombs There are so many recent cherry bomb references that they’re too numerous to name here. It takes a unique item to embrace the inner nerd, which is why this option from Plants vs. Zombies is the most intriguing. As an added bonus, they’re soft enough to be thrown at others if you’re trying to replicate Sugar Rush from Wreck-It Ralph.

Black Lotus

#8. Artwork From Chris Rahn Chris Rahn is the artist that everyone who is at least 10% nerd knows, even if they don’t know him by name. His work is featured on MTG cards and his oil paintings can go for 5 figures easily. If you don’t have that kind of cash to invest, then be sure to check out the full range of prints available for your gaming cave so that your inner nerd can be truly embraced.

Minecraft Zombies

#9. Minecraft Zombies Minecraft is bringing out the inner nerd in many, so enhance that today by adding these Minecraft zombies to your collection. They’re about 4 inches tall and for added fun, you can create your own little The Walking Dead: Minecraft Edition at home for a true nerdism experience.

Bender Hat

#10. Bite My Shiny Metal Hat Show your love for the best show that’s been cancelled three, four, maybe 17 times throughout history. Who doesn’t love to have giant eyeballs on top of their head anyway? The hat affixes underneath the chin and has ear flaps to keep your inner circuits warm. For added nerd pleasures, consume your favorite drinks at the Lowbrau in Sacremento with your hat on.

Steampunk Gun

#11. Steampunk Zombie Guns When those Minecraft zombies are getting out of control, what can you do to stop the insanity? For the true nerd, one of the options just might be this zombie gun. It’s modeled like a Victorian-era revolver, but offers a laser sighting option that will turn the grumpiest of cats into happy campers. The sounds are loud, it looks cool, and that means the awesomeness factor will get turned up to 11.

Pop Tarts

#12. Pop Tarts It was the best breakfast food from The Pretender. No – not the song by the Foo Fighters. Why? Because it is 400 calories that is filled with vitamins and minerals!  So ok – maybe they aren’t as healthy for you as some other breakfast foods, but don’t you need a sugar rush when trying to escape from an institution that is trying to utilize your intelligence for evil? Of course you do! Even if you have to walk 500 miles to do so…

Voltron Sword

#13. Voltron’s Sword What makes you feel all powerful, like you’re ready to protect the universe? Voltron’s sword is a good start. Sure – it’s made from plastic. Yeah, it’s got a foam hilt so you can’t overly hurt your significant other while recreating battles. It still brings out your inner childhood nerd, however, about as much as watching a Darkwing Duck marathon will.

Tally Hawk

#14. Tally Hawk You’re probably not going to pony up $500 to enjoy the fun of playing with the best Silverhawks toy that was ever produced. You can, however, use instant streams to watch one of the most underrated cartoons ever produced in the spirit of the Thundercats for a very affordable price. That way you’ll get to know Tally Hawk and then decide if he’s really worth the price.

What are your favorite products that you use to bring out your inner nerd? Share your thoughts, images, or links below and share the love!

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Graeme Sandlin
A theologian of the odd. I love all things tech, especially if there's a sci-fi element to it. You'll find something special I've created every day... and not just on the internet.