Virto Kanban Board For Project Management

Project Management with Virto Kanban Board

Virto Kanban board is a comprehensive software that is capable of greatly simplifying your project management efforts. It provides a lot of features, including task analytics per person, task editing permission control, etc. Find out more about Virto Kanban board in this article.

A good project management software is essentially necessary for any project manager to be able to do their job properly. Project management, in general, isn’t that simple in the first place, especially when it comes to larger companies with a lot of employees.

First of all, project management is all about control. And to perform any controlling actions you need more than just a good project manager – you actually need people that will be the target of your management efforts.

A good example of a similar working ideology would be the cooking process. A good chef, no matter how good they are, would not be able to do anything without a kitchen, to begin with. This includes cooking utensils, ingredients, etc. Getting back to a topic of project management – a lot of people think it’s too much of a problem to bother with that. For that exact reason, project management software should be something that is as easy to use as it gets.

The most basic example of a project management software if it’s using SharePoint or SharePoint Online as the means of communication between employees is Microsoft Project – the most obvious one from all of the project management tools. It is widely used as a means of project management from a manager’s point of view.

For the regular users, it’s slightly different – it’s Virto Kanban Board. Or even several boards, depending on your current SharePoint needs. Those would be your chef’s cooking utensils and ingredients – user-friendly tools that every employee can use with no problems.

Here’s how it works: your team updates those Virto Kanban boards, boards store all of the necessary info in the SharePoint, and you, as a project manager, would be able to see every little change to your project as soon as you open SharePoint lists in MS Project.

Virto Kanban is capable of helping you with your project management efforts in several different ways.

If your company has team leads or resource managers – you can set up a board specifically for setting up specific tasks to specific employees, and it would apply across all of the projects that your company is managing at the moment.

Speaking of team leads and resource managers – they can use that same specific board to see a single person’s tasks, every employee’s status, some analytical information, and more.

And that doesn’t apply to the higher-ups only – any regular team member is capable of seeing a board filled with projects that they’re participating in at the moment, along with essential information about each of the tasks that are assigned to them.

There’s also permission controls: you can disallow users from editing any tasks that don’t include them.

Filtering options are also available, such as showing only those tasks that a single user is taking part in, and so on.

Furthermore, there’s no need to track each of the tasks by hand – there’s a whole notification system available for any changes in the tasks to make sure that no one would miss an important change or a specific event.

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