Video Fire Detection: How it Works (Technology and Equipment)

Smoke detectors can save lives and promptly trigger fire-alarm, enabling occupants to evacuate the place. Video fire detection is the latest technology in safety and security. This tool is designed to capture traces of fire from places traditional fire detectors can’t reach. However, many people aren’t aware of how VSD (Video Smoke Detector) work and its benefits over primeval smoke detectors. This article would explain how this technology works in detecting flames and providing a better and safer environment.

1. Legitimate Network Of Computers

Detecting fire for video-based technology depends on two things. One is the video, and the second is algorithms. To pick on the traces of smoke and fire, video detection systems are connected together with a network of computers.

These digital cameras send continuous images to the network of computers for processing under various algorithms. These images are then read and checked for any traces of a fire emergency. This might sound like a lengthy process, but it happens only in a matter of seconds. The wide lenses and curvature of these cameras enable them to expand their vision to places traditional fire safety devices can’t reach.

2. Efficiently Differentiates Between Light And Flame

If you are thinking about investing in VSD technology, you might be wonder how this device differentiates between the flame and natural light. One of the most common examples to come across is that a VSD installed in a store would constantly be triggering fire alarm when the sunlight enters through the thick door glass. However, this is an invalid claim. Video fire detectors are efficient in differentiating between flame and sunlight, how? A fire might be bright, but it has a specific flicker rate. The algorithm on the backend of VSD calculates the pace at which each pixel flicker and compares it with the flicker rate of fire. That’s the power of multi infrared flame detection.

3. Volume Detection Technique

Smoke is thin in nature, and by the time it gets thick flames reach to an uncontrollable point. If VSD technologies would wait for the smoke to get thick, they won’t be as legitimate as they are in the market. To provide a safe environment for the people, VSD technology has a volume detection technique as opposed to area detection. Through this method, VSD systems would measure the thickness of the smoke under its algorithm. When it reaches a certain level, VSD sends out information through a connection to the fire alarm system.

Wrapping It Up

VSD systems go through multiple tests to ensure their authenticity and efficiency. These cameras are programmed to examine each pixel with respect to its flicker rate and blurriness. When every point of measure matches the set requirement for a video fire detector, it sends off an alarm to the connection system. It triggers all safety measures related to a fire emergency. VSDs have a more reliable detection system as compared to traditional smoke detectors. That is why it is widely being accepted.

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