Top Rated Apps To Help You Quit Smoking Now

Quit Smoking

Did you resolve to quit smoking this year? Maybe this isn’t the first year that you have tried to quit. This might be the perfect time for you to download an app that will help you stay accountable.

But before you do be sure to check out the Complete Guide From A-Z To Help You Stop Smoking.

MyQuit Coach App Helps You Set Goals

Quit Smoking

With the MyQuit Coach app, you are able to set your goals. You can choose a step down program that will give you a budget of how many cigarettes you can smoke a day. The app helps you keep track of what you are allowed to smoke. Not only that, you tell the app if you are having a craving.

The graph keeps track of how well you did each day. It will show you when you had a craving, when you smoked, and if you went over. You can adjust the app to your personal needs as necessary.

This program lets you share your plan with friends or family. That gives you a great form of accountability. There is also another form of accountability online through social media. Once you achieve a goal, you receive a reward badge that you can share with others.

Quit Smoking App Gives You a Real Time Counter From the Day Of Your Last Cigarette

The Quit Smoking app has a lot of great features. Maybe one of the most motivational things is seeing a clock counting how many days and hours it has been since your last cigarette.

Not only do you have a clock, but the app keeps track of the number of cigarettes you’ve avoided along with how much money you have saved by quitting. When you get a craving, you can look back and see how far you’ve come.

This app is not just for those that speak English. It has 44 different languages that you can choose from. You’ll also be directed to a support groups through social media outlets that speak your language and are in your timezone.

As you meet goals, the app will tell give you an idea of how much healthier you have become from the number of days you haven’t smoked.

My Last Cigarette App Keeps Track of Your Health Stats

My Last Cigarette app is similar to the Quit Smoking app with the kinds of statistics it tracks. It has a clock that tells you how many days, hours, and minutes it has been since your last smoke. It also gives you an idea of how health you are becoming by not smoking.

When you feel the cravings, you can take a look at the progress you’ve made. Seeing how far you have come helps you push forward and keep going.

If you have decided that you want to quit smoking, this is the year. You can do this with the right motivation and assistance from an app that helps keep you accountable. Each of these apps have helped countless individuals stop smoking and get healthy.

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Keelie Reason
Romantically in love and married to her high school sweetheart, she and her husband raise three boys in the deep south. Completely addicted to blogging and sharing with the world around her.