The Cicret Bracelet is an Intriguing Concept But Will it Work?

Cicret Bracelet

Have you heard of the Cicret Bracelet? I’m told it’s like a tablet…but on your skin. This is a pretty interesting concept, but will it actually work? At this point, the device is still in the prototype phase. That didn’t stop them from making a banging video that is sure to get some people’s hopes up. Check it out.

This looks like a legit product doesn’t it? At this point, it is not a real device that you can use. The makers are trying to drum up support for the project before it is a functioning bracelet. They need quite a bit more funding to finish up the prototype.

How is the Cicret Bracelet Supposed to Work?

The devices is supposed to function like a tablet that projects the screen onto your arm. The waterproof bracelet connects to your phone and shows you the screen on your skin. You can answer calls, type emails, surf the web, anything you can do with a smartphone.

With a flick of the wrist, the screen cuts on or off. When it is on, a picoprojector shoots the interface directly on your skin. With your finger, you stop one of the long range proximity sensors, which allows you to navigate the image like you would a touch screen.

Cicret Bracelet

Once your finger stops the sensor, it sends the information to the process in the Cicret Bracelet. It has its own memory card, accelerometer, Wi-fi and Bluetooth to name a few.

Problems With the Concept

There are some pretty big problems with this concept. Even if they get the technology working right, they have some basic human anatomy issues to overcome. First observation is arm hair. Throwing that image onto the back of your arm is going to skew the projection. Not only that, if you have quite a bit of arm hair, I’m guessing you aren’t going to want to run your fingers over it like a tablet.

Ok, so let’s flip it over to our inner arm. If you don’t have a lot of hair on the inner parts of your arm, you might be ok in this. However, if you have dark skin, will you see the projection. Is this product going to only be marketed to light skinned individuals?

Let’s just say you are hairless and light skinned, what do you think will happen to the image the moment you step outside? I’m guessing it will be pretty difficult.

Whether or not the company can get the technology up and running is yet to be seen. There sure is a lot of skepticism out there. What do you think? Will they be able to pull it off?

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Keelie Reason
Romantically in love and married to her high school sweetheart, she and her husband raise three boys in the deep south. Completely addicted to blogging and sharing with the world around her.