How to Send Voice Message on WhatsApp

WhatsApp, the one of the most popular messaging application for Smartphone added “new voice messaging” features to its app. And if the you’re the one who successfully got a walkie-talkie like voice messaging feature on your Whatsapp, then you might love to read this article.

 How to Send Voice Message on Whatsapp

Whatsapp team was working on this features from the past half year to make messaging experiece more smoother than any other application available in the market. One thing which is very interesting about this features is, that app will automatically detect whether the phone is held to the ear or in the front of the users. On the other hand, pipe received messages at appropriate volume.

Basically this feature is very similar to voice messaging feature in Facebook Messenger, which let users to record and send audio files to your friend just by making a tap on their smartphone. Its very easy process, but if you’re not able to use this feature you can follow simple and easy to use guide about “How to use New Voice Messaging feature of Whatsapp”

1. First thing you need to do is open Whatsapp

Whatsapp Friends

2. After that tap on any of your friend, to whom you want to send voice message.

3. Move to bottom of your friend Window and you will notice two button emoticon icon on left and mic button on the right side.

Tap of Mic Icon

4. To send a message, simply press on the mic icon or record button. Once the button is released, the message is on its way.

5. Also when you press the mic, you will notice a timer with message “saying slide to cancel.” If you feel your voice message is not cool, you can slide to cancel.

Tap to send message

6. Once voice message is listen by recipient, a blue microphone will light up just beside the recording in your conversation.This will confirm that your message has been received and listened successfully.

Blue Color Mic Icon

One thing which definatly going to bring smile on your face, i.e. there is not time limit to send a voice message. So this is how you can send voice message to your whatsapp friend, just by making few clicks on your Smartphone screen.

According to Whatsapp, they have currently more than 300 million active users who exchange near around 31 million messages and more than 325 million photos a days which are really good stats and shows the popular of application among the users worldwide.

This new voice messaging feature will be available to WhatsApp users on all the platform: Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Phone, and Nokia

So if you’re the one who get this feature on your device, must try this voice message feature by sending messages to your friend. And share your experience with us, that whether you like this new feature or not. Also if you already used WeChat voice messaging feature to tell us which one you enjoyed the most WhatsApp or WeChat?

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Viney Dhiman
I'm a Mechanical Enggineer, Blogger & Geek. I've great interest in exploring technology. In free time I love to listen music, play online games and snooker :)