Samsung Gear 2 Smartwatch

Gear 2 Smartwatch
Samsung Gear 2 Smartwatch

Wearable tech is becoming all the rage today and although not all of it is worth the money you’d spend on it, this smartwatch might be the one exception to that rule. It gives you the push notifications from your phone and apps you’re running and there are 3rd party apps that work with the device that are handy. The built-in camera is good for selfies and you can record video in 720p if you have the need.

The advantage with this device is that it also works a lot like a Fitbit. There’s a heart rate sensor, a pedometer, and other health features that will track your exercise patterns every day and give you real-time advice that lets you achieve your fitness goals. Mine tells me to get up off my chair and do more than walk to the refrigerator…


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Eddie N S
Technology freak. Life traveler. Living one day at a time…Life is good.