Navigating Addiction Recovery Resources in Los Angeles

signpost showing different mental health issues and the road to recovery
image supplied by client

Los Angeles has a bad reputation when it comes to addiction. Unfortunately, the city does have a relatively high addiction rate. There are many factors contributing to this, and Hollywood isn’t the only one.

Addiction usually runs in families and friend circles. It’s a social problem and not just an individual one. Recovering in L.A. isn’t going to be easy, but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible.

It isn’t impossible to find affordable treatment in L.A. Here is a guide to finding treatment and beginning your journey to addiction recovery.

Inpatient Centers

The first step is understanding different types of programs.

Inpatient programs are fairly well-known. They are what most people think of when they think of rehab. This is because they are popular and effective.

But inpatient programs are very demanding. It should be noted that addiction recovery in general is demanding. But there are some ways to make it easier.

It isn’t always practical to live in an inpatient center. You can’t always afford to take a month off of work. Or you might not be able to afford childcare for a month or have anyone to help your family.

It’s also difficult to adjust to normal life after an inpatient program. When you’re in an inpatient program, it’s like you’re in another world. There are no temptations to drink around you.

For many patients, inpatient programs are simply too much.

Outpatient Programs

Outpatient programs are much more accessible.

For example, here’s an IOP program in Burbank. IOP stands for intensive outpatient program. As the name suggests, you don’t live in the center as you would with an inpatient program.

They are, however, intense. You will probably be visiting the center at least once a day. You might have to spend hours each day in treatment.

But they don’t cost as much, and it’s easier to continue with your daily life.

You will also continue to have the support of your friends and family as you work on your addiction recovery journey. Not all inpatient programs allow visitors. That means you might go for a month without seeing your loved ones.

Ending treatment will also be less of a shock.

Though it could be said that treatment never really ends. Recovery is a lifelong process. You will always need to seek help now and then.

Outpatient programs will help you prepare for what’s next.

Lifestyle Changes

Your lifestyle will need to change.

Especially in the beginning, you’ll need to avoid situations that involve drinking. This means not going to bars with friends.

You’ll probably have to remove all alcohol and drugs from your house. This means asking your family to change their behavior, too.

Having these conversations can be awkward. You will feel bad for asking people to change their habits around your schedule. But your first and only focus should be staying sober.

Creating a routine is helpful for staying sober.

Create a to-do list everyday. If it helps, make getting out of bed the first thing on your list. Taking lots of small steps leads to big changes.

Start planning your schedule differently. You’ll probably start attending group therapy sessions or AA meetings on a regular basis. You will also need to regularly attend therapy.

This can seem overwhelming at first, but it will get easier.

Sober Activities

There are sober things to do around Los Angeles.

Partying doesn’t have to be your pastime. Discover the many things that the city has to offer like one of these art museums.

Head out into nature and find a good walking trail. Or take up surfing and enjoy the beach. Being outdoors is always good.

Ask your friends if they’re up for activities that don’t involve drinking. If they don’t like the idea, they might have a problem, too.

Find things that you can do in a group or with your family like cooking or sports. It’s important to focus on health.

Focus on the things that you enjoy instead of what you’re missing out on.

Coping Strategies

Most addicts turn to alcohol as a coping strategy.

When things get rough, you’ll need a new coping mechanism.

Maybe when you’re stressed you could bake bread. Or you could write a poem about how you’re feeling. As long as it doesn’t involve drinking, it’s a good coping strategy.

Have someone that you can call when you’re feeling down. Create a list of people that you can call if that person isn’t available.


It is possible to lead a happy and healthy and sober life in Los Angeles. For those in the Los Angeles area looking for comprehensive treatment programs that cater to individual needs with evidence-based approaches, Click here to learn about our services and how we can assist you.Finding the right treatment will help you do that.

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Brenda Coles
I'm an elementary school teacher who became a stay-at-home mother when my first child was born. I love to write about lifestyle, education, and news-related topics.