Making relaxation a lifestyle: banish stress for good

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Photo by Haley Phelps on Unsplash

Everybody wants to feel relaxed and unbothered at all times. It’s a unique feeling. You feel that you have everything in control and there’s nothing to worry about. However, this is unfortunately impossible. There’s bound to be something that stresses you out at some point.

Yet, the problems with stress that people have to navigate nowadays aren’t due to isolated events. More often than not, people seem to be dealing with chronic stress instead of having total relaxation.

When you’ve been feeling anxious for a long time, even the most minor events can trigger a substantial reaction in you. It’s not great to have your day ruined by something seemingly insignificant. But just telling yourself you want to be more relaxed won’t yield any results. You’ll need to take practical steps if you want to reduce the stress in your life.

Here are some of the things you should consider.


Finding the mechanisms necessary to de-stress on your own can be challenging. It might feel like no matter how hard you try, you keep going back to the same old habits. You’re not alone. Many people often feel like they’re caught in a loop.

Talking to a therapist can help change your perspective and provide valuable advice and tips on how to solve the problem. Some start developing unhealthy habits as a way of coping with anxiety, while therapy empowers you to make healthy choices and create a wholesome daily routine. 

Stress therapy is especially beneficial if you notice that you’re experiencing progressively higher stress levels in spite of your efforts to relax. If you’ve been experiencing considerable amounts of anxiety over a long time, it might be time to sit down and talk to an expert.

There are different types of therapy you can try, including the classic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which can prompt you to change your thoughts and behavior towards stress, as well as Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy or Stress Reduction. The former aims to identify negative patterns, while the latter includes techniques such as body awareness, meditation and exercise. 

Reduce tension 

Although psychological stress is traditionally associated with the mind and has even been shown to serve as a catalyst or contributor to the development or evolution of mood disorders such as depression, it can also have a negative effect on the body.

When you don’t deal with your stress, you become prone to chronic pains, high blood pressure and heart disease. Your immune system is also lower due to the elevated cortisol levels, meaning that your body isn’t adept at fighting off infection anymore. 

Feminised seeds cannabis will help you unwind after a long day. The plant works on the neurotransmitters, instantaneously reducing anxiety. You don’t have to wait too long for the effects to kick in, so you can feel your body and mind relaxing simultaneously.

You can also start doing some exercise. Slow, paced ones that provide peace of mind and allow you to focus on the present can be constructive. Yoga and pilates both use this type of technique, as the only way to ensure the exercises you do are effective is to concentrate on your breathing and activate the muscles to maintain good physical form. 

It’s also essential to remain consistent with your physical activity. Doing it just once or twice every month won’t be enough for you to notice any difference. Consistency is key. 

man drawing on a computer tablet
Photo by Firosnv. Photography on Unsplash

Time for hobbies 

When you make time for yourself away from work and focus on your hobbies, you’re more likely to feel relaxed. Although it’s naturally essential to fulfil all your chores and responsibilities, you must also be mindful not to overdo it.

You must still give yourself a breather every now and then. When you have free time, dedicate yourself fully to relaxation. Don’t think about your work emails, calls, or anything else that you absolutely have to do. 

The sense of urgency will add to your anxiety and spoil your relaxation. You’ll have time to take care of everything when the time comes, but remaining anchored in the present is the key to protecting your peace and happiness. Your hobbies don’t have to be anything highly complex or expensive.

It can be as simple as putting your headphones on and blasting your favourite music for a while. You can get some white widows strain to the mix as well for optimal results. Reading or watching a film or series are also classic ways to get some much-needed self-care. 

However, if you’d like something a little more practical, there are many other hobbies you can partake in. Just make sure you have the necessary time and resources for them. Pottery is typically seen as therapeutic and meditative since you work in silence and focus entirely on the task at hand.

It can also provide you with a creative outlet and allow you to express yourself. Sewing, knitting and painting are similar, as they enable you to focus on an artistic activity that can relieve your worries. 

Gardening, cooking and hiking can also be rather relaxing. It’s not just about what you do but also the environment you’re in. Being in nature or the comfort of your own home can do wonders for those who feel stressed out.

Apart from the relaxation, you also get to enjoy the fruits of your own labor in the form of fresh produce directly from your garden, delicious foods and beautiful photographs that you can cherish for a lifetime. 

The benefits 

If you’re not yet convinced about the benefits of promoting relaxation in your life, here are some of the key advantages you’re missing out on when you’re stressed: 

  • Slower heart rate and lowered blood pressure levels
  • Better digestion 
  • Reducing the activity of stress hormones 
  • Combating chronic pain and tense muscles
  • Better sleep quality, mood and focus 
  • Reduced frustration, anger and other negative outbursts 
  • Increased confidence 

Stress is, unfortunately, a common occurrence, but that doesn’t mean you have to endure its adverse effects. Left unchecked, it can impact your quality of life and cause serious health complaints in the long term. 

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Brenda Coles
I'm an elementary school teacher who became a stay-at-home mother when my first child was born. I love to write about lifestyle, education, and news-related topics.