How To Improve Search Rankings Of Your Magento Store

Google’s algorithms aren’t rocket science, although it takes a certain level of skill and experience to make them work for you. It’s possible to find many “how-to” articles online, but chances are you won’t be able to fix your Magento SEO on your own.

Why? Since most of it is complicated coding, you won’t have enough time and expertise to do that. Another reason is that your eCommerce store is unique, which means that you need a unique SEO strategy that fits your business needs. You might need to hire someone to ensure that all boxes in your Magento checklist for SEO are implemented.

To improve search rankings of your Magento store, consider the following:

Improve User Experience (UX)

Online store visitors love sites that are fast, secure, and easy to navigate. These elements must be your #1 priority because you want to attract, convert, and keep as many visitors as possible.

The top SEO strategies that improve UX are:

Mobile-First Indexing

Desktops are out! Google began indexing keywords on mobile versions of your website in March 2021. The search engine is giving more ranking preference to mobile phones than desktops because there is a lot more traffic going to the former. So, if your website doesn’t have enough keywords or has problems with optimization, you should make some quick changes now.

Web Performance

A slow loading time has a negative influence on your SERP rankings. Page speed has become a new ranking factor assessed on a new set of measurements known as Core Web Vitals after the Google upgrade in Summer 2021. If your site has high-quality content like your competitors, Google will favor the one that loads faster.

Safety & HTTPS

Customers are apprehensive about providing their credit card information on websites without SSL protocol. Google punishes websites that do not offer secure connections resulting in a data breach. Be sure to maintain your Magento 2 website by updating it to the current version. If you don’t do this, your developers may encounter various problems.

Improve Technical SEO

After optimizing your business for humans, it’s time to make it accessible to Google crawlers. The latest Magento version provides a solid basis for Google to learn about your website.

Magento Sitemap

Creating XML and HTML sitemaps is a critical component of Magento SEO. You may essentially ‘walk’ crawlers through your site content, making it easier for them to scan your business. If you direct Google crawlers’ paths, they will view only the pages you want them to see. For example, you may promote popular pages and ignore others that are not interesting for your clients.

The Magento 2 version allows you to automatically build an XML sitemap through a series of set procedures. However, the settings may not be complete. You may customize an HTML setting with the assistance of a developer or contact our staff to do it for you.

Robot Files

When your XML sitemap is complete, it is stored in robot.txt files. These files inform Google which pages of your website to crawl (or not to crawl). If your eCommerce site has low-performing items, use Magento 2 settings to insert the noindex, nofollow tag on pages that you don’t need to rank.

SEO-opimized URL

Short and consistent URLs help search engines understand the page’s content. Many experts believe that “URLs” are an excellent area to include keywords like category or subcategory names. However, this lengthens URLs and makes them less user-friendly for consumers and Google bots.

Nobody likes to see a URL that is a long string of letters. If you set Add Store Code URL to “No,” the Magento 2 SEO can make the URL shorter.

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