How To Gain More Followers On Instagram

Instagram is a social media platform with billions of users from all over the world. From kids to children to adults, everyone has their account on this top-notch platform. You get to follow your friends, stay connected with each other, and much more. Instagram is a great platform where businesses sell their products; it consists of celebrity accounts as well as influencers. All in all, everyone out there is well-aware of this platform. Also, nowadays you can purchase Instagram views to enhance your profile.

When it comes to gaining more followers on Instagram, that is not an easy task at all. People out there are always looking for ways to build their Instagram community. EarthWeb is a great source to get Instagram hacks you can go through. However, we have now jotted down a couple of secrets that can help you gain more followers on Instagram. Have a look at them down below! 

• Don’t Forget To Optimize Your Account 

The first thing you need to focus on is to optimize your Instagram account. If you do not have a good bio or a profile image, people won’t know who the account belongs to. Having an attractive bio can do wonders for your account. You can always add a phrase that seems appealing. People love that! Don’t just add a random, boring bio with your date of birth. That is a big NO! 

• Post Consistency 

People often leave their Instagram profile dead for months and wonder why their Instagram account isn’t gaining more followers. Truth be told, people always follow accounts that post consistently. People follow you to learn more about yourself or your work. Moreover, if you’ve got a dead profile, your current followers may end up unfollowing you, and that is something you do not want. 

Schedule a content calendar, and try posting every now and then. Dolled up and went to dinner with your girls? Post pictures! Moving on, you should also consider posting stories to keep your profile active. 

• Make Your Instagram Profile Attractive 

People are always looking for aesthetically appealing profiles. This is a great tip to increase your followers. All you have to do is get a little creative and start posting. Don’t just post random pictures; choose a theme. These literally work like magic! You can always change the theme after a couple of days and give your profile a new look. However, just be sure that your followers are happy with your profile. Moreover, keep a check on your followers as well and learn how to see someone’s activity on Instagram. This way, you will understand the kind of work your Instagram followers go for. 

• Staying Active 

Another thing you need to focus on is to stay active! This means you should not only post on a regular basis but keep commenting on other pictures. This way, your followers will actually appreciate the gesture and may even end up giving you a shoutout that plays a major role in increasing your followers. Like pictures, comment, scroll and appreciate your followers and the love they give you. 

• Add Hashtags 

You should always add hashtags to your images. The reason behind this is that people look up for stuff on Instagram after adding a hashtag. Wearing a certain brand, use a hashtag! This way, people will learn more about your profile, and your followers will increase with the passage of time. 

• Avoid Fake Followers 

Never, I repeat, never purchase fake followers. These followers are easily detectable, and you portray a really bad image of yourself in front of potential followers. Before following someone, people always consider having a look at their current followers, and if they seem fake, they think of you as a fraud. Make sure to always keep that in mind. 

• Follow Trends 

Instagram trends are quite common. People come up with some amazing ideas and make videos. These videos end up going viral, and you gain a lot of followers. Make sure to stay updated with the current events and follow them. Moreover, you should also consider adding your own twist to them in order to gain more popularity. 

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