How To Become A .NET Developer: 5 Steps

Becoming a .NET developer may seem like a complicated process. Once you get started, you may understand that it’s not the right direction for you. However, with the right approach, you can become a highly demanded professional.

Even if you’ve been studying coding in many different languages, it can take some time to become good in .NET languages like C# and Visual Basic. The majority of .NET programmers choose to study these languages on their own without taking any special offline courses. Others prefer to find tutors or take classes, many of which are available online for free.

Let’s take a look at 5 steps that can take you closer to becoming a professional .NET developer.  

1. Learn the Basics

If you’ve never done any coding before, you need to learn the basics. C# could be a good language to start with. Ideally, you should find a .NET programmer who can help you choose the right educational materials.

With many classes, e-books, and tutorials available online, it can be tough to choose a suitable option. Be ready to go through more than one book to discover your ideal learning environment.

When companies decide to hire a dedicated .NET developer, they look at the experience and education. That’s why you should be ready to invest a lot of time in learning the basics so you can start adding serious projects to your portfolio.

2. Choose Your Direction

You can’t be a dedicated .NET developer without choosing a direction. While many .NET development directions exist, the easiest one is web development. You can find numerous educational materials to master web development.

Once you do, you can move on to studying other directions. While learning your options, you can figure out which one is the most suitable for your needs. Common directions are:

·         Web development

·         Cloud development

·         Mobile development

·         Desktop development

·         Microservices

·         Gaming

·         ML (Machine Learning)

Many beginners opt for the gaming direction since they believe that they are highly familiar with the environment. In reality, gaming is tough to master. Besides passion, it requires experience and patience.

3. Learn Web Development

Web development is what the majority of future .NET developers choose to study. You need to learn ASP.NET Core since this technology is highly important for web development while being suitable for multiple platforms.

If you don’t have an opportunity to take offline courses, research the available online literature. You can start with a C# fundamentals course and an ASP.Net Core course for beginners.

Look for good tutorials around the basics of methods, classes, events, and types. This can help you start mastering C#. When you are ready to master specific skills, start with HTML and CSS.

In short, you should get on speaking terms with C# and go from there.

4. Build a Portfolio

Once you gain your first web development skills, you need to start building a portfolio. A portfolio is the first thing your future employer may ask you to show. You can start with small projects suggested in courses and educational literature. Then go on to take more complicated development projects. Be ready to do some work for free before you get your first paying gig.

Consider browsing the web to find a project you could work on. Build an app for yourself before offering your services to a client.

Once you have several projects under your belt, you could consider browsing freelancer platforms like Upwork to find simple development tasks. This can build your portfolio even further.

When it comes to .NET development, experience matters. The more you can hone your skills, the easier time you’ll have landing a profitable gig.

5. Keep Learning

All .NET developers have to keep learning. Even after you complete your first important project, you have to review your skills and consider learning something new.

Since technologies keep changing on a regular basis, it’s impossible to stay on top of your game without gaining new skills.

The Takeaway

If you are starting from scratch, it may take a while to become a .NET developer. Try to look for comprehensive educational materials and courses online. Once you master C# and web development, you can start looking for projects.

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