Get Your Website Noticed: 6 Tips To Boost Your SEO Marketing

It can be a challenge to get your website to stand out from your competitors. The truth is, in order for customers to find you, they need to be able to find you on Google and other search engines – and you can achieve this through simple SEO. These search engines want to give their users the most relevant site for their queries. Here are 6 tips to help boost your SEO marketing and get noticed. 

Take Advantage of Local Listings

Even if your website doesn’t show up in the Google top ten rankings for electricians overall, doesn’t mean you can’t stand out. A great place to start improving your rankings is the google local listings and other business directories. A listing in Google my business will create a listing on google maps and your business will show up in anyone searches for you nearby. 

Be sure to set up your listing with accurate company information. You can also add a company profile with a picture, website link, business hours, and a company description. Keep this profile and other directory listings up to date. Winnipeg SEO services can also help with this. And remember, the more listings you have the easier it is for your company to get noticed by Google. 

Speed Up Your Site Loading Speed

A quick way to drop in the Google search rankings is to have a website that loads slowly or has internal technical errors. To avoid this, do a quick audit of your site and get rid of images or elements that take a long time to load. A slow loading site makes for a bad user experience. Optimize your images for the web and fix and errors as soon as they occur. 

Create Good Content

Consistently posting new and relevant content on your website is one of the best ways to get noticed by Google. Start a blog with regular anonymous posts about the services you offer, your industry, or helpful tips and tricks. Blogs can reach new customers who are interested in the article and provide additional information to customers who visit your website. 

Think about writing content that focuses on your target market – or deals with topics that are of interest to your customers. For example, if you own a pest control company, use some common customer questions as inspiration for your blog and offer some tips and tricks for getting rid of pests. 

Use Your Social Media

Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram are great places to share your company information and interact with your customers and future customers. Social media is also a great place to get your website noticed. Offer expert advice, or share your excellent blog posts, You can also refer people to your website for more information.  

Optimize for Mobile Users

More than ever, people are using their mobile devices when searching for information or for company recommendations. If your website is only designed for desktop users, you will be losing out and leaving out a lot of potential customers. 

Think mobile-first and design every aspect of your website to be viewed on a smartphone or mobile device. If technical issues are not your thing, a service company like Plumbers Geek, an expert in plumbers website design services, can offer great solutions for optimizing your site. 

Include SEO in your overall marketing plan

SEO should never be an afterthought for your website. Instead, consider SEO an important part of your overall company marketing plan. This can help you narrow down on what kind of customers you want to reach and find the best ways to reach them. 

A marketing plan is also important for designing your lawyer web design. Is your goal to add customers to your email list? Create this as part of your website design to encourage visitors to sign up. The good news is that you can test your marketing strategies out in real-time and make adjustments to achieve the best results. 

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