Five Tips For Pregnant Moms To Overcome Anxiety Before Delivery

Delivering a baby can fill you with tremendous anxiety. As a newly pregnant mom, you be well aware of what’s to come; this is enough to create anxiety and fear for your and your child’s well-being. While it is natural to feel apprehensive, you need to find ways to calm yourself. There is no denying that childbirth can be challenging; for some mothers, the overall experience may be too painful. But this doesn’t have to be the case with you. 

Anytime you feel scared and panicked about going into labor, you must find ways to counter these thoughts. Fear exaggerates your emotions and your worries. As a result, you end up overthinking about a situation, which adds to your problem. Stress is not suitable for you and your baby; it can push you into premature labor or, in some cases, delay your delivery. Therefore, to help you find your peace, combat your fears and make childbirth more manageable for you, here’s what you need to know:

Learn About What Is Making You Anxious

You need to narrow down the source of your worries and figure out how to let go of them. If you are scared about having traumatic labor, getting scheduled for a c-section, or worse, afraid your baby will get injured during birth, you must learn to control your thoughts. Your best defense against such trepidation is speaking to your doctor and using online resources to study methods that can facilitate delivery. For instance, by examining your birth canal and pelvis, your OBGYN can inform you what birthing method is suitable for your body. 

Likewise, by using websites like, you can look into what childbirth injuries are, what causes them, and if it happens to your baby, where you should go to seek help. Until you confront your source of distress, you will continue staying agitated, which makes it harder for you to handle being pregnant and then welcome your child.

Speak To A Therapist

Therapists are trained professionals with the skills and expertise to guide you through the mental knots you’ve tangled yourself into. This can significantly elevate your emotional status and give you an outlet to channel all the uneasiness you have been feeling healthily. A therapy session is more than engaging in a conversation with a designated specialist who helps pregnant women. You will get a chance to dive deep into your thoughts, voice your concerns, and figure out why certain aspects of childbirth bother you. 

Once you can express yourself openly, your therapist will help you understand your thoughts, provide you with coping mechanisms and assist you in breaking the cycle. As a result, the next time you go into panic mode, you will know how to react, rationally reason with yourself and not allow yourself to spiral into distress.

Join A Birthing Class

You can consider joining a parenting class to help ease into the idea of giving birth. These are sessions designed to help pregnant parents understand what is to come and how they can prepare for it. You will learn about going into labor, the red flags you need to watch out for, and the different birthing positions that can make delivery easier for you.

Apart from learning about birthing, these classes are also a safe space for you to express your fears and ask other pregnant parents how they’re dealing with stress. As a result, you will feel less isolated and less guilty about the anxiety you harbor. 

The more you discuss and dialogue with your birthing coach, the more you will be at ease and less worried about giving birth. You can schedule extra classes if you need more sessions to practice your birthing and educate yourself on looking after your health as you get closer to your due date.

Study On Pain Management

One of the reasons why pregnant mothers are apprehensive about giving birth is the excruciating pain they may feel when they go into labor. There is no denying that giving birth is agonizing. This is because when you enter active labor, you will be hit with numerous contractions necessary for your child’s birth. Depending on your pain tolerance, even slight pressure can make you uncomfortable, which is why you need to know how to manage your delivery. Giving birth to your child doesn’t have to be complicated. 

Apart from epidurals, you can take various medications to reduce the pain you feel and give birth comfortably. Your options include nitrous oxide and pethidine, which can elevate your symptoms and help you feel less frantic about delivering. However, you should consult your doctor before you agree to take any medication during birth. This will help you rule out allergens and unsafe pills and determine if your body can handle strong painkillers during labor. 

Have A Birth Plan

A birth plan can help you put yourself in a position of control before you have your baby. This enables you to organize your thoughts and lets you put together a support system to accompany you once you go into labor. A birth plan can also help you define the limitations of your delivery. This includes where you want to give birth – you can choose to do so at home, at a specialist childbirth private hospital, or at the local medical center, and then you also might want to choose between a traditional birth or a water birth; whether you are more comfortable with a Douala if you want painkillers; and how long you wish to wait before you get induced. 

Part of your birthing plan also involves telling your partner about your fears and ensuring they will respect your wishes if your delivery becomes difficult. When you cover all the basics, it is easy to subside your anxiety and feel less stressed as you embrace motherhood.

Final Thoughts

Childbirth can be a complex process. For any mother, the emotional, physical and mental stress of giving birth can take a massive toll on them. Therefore, it is not unusual for you to feel scared and anxious about delivering your child without fearing the worst. However, don’t let these unsettling thoughts consume you. Instead, focus on finding your way out of them. We hope the tips mentioned above will help you counter stress and overcome anxiety allowing you to give birth to a healthy baby without complications. Stay happy and calm, momma-to-be!

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