Fans Have Mixed Reactions To Bethesda’s Fallout 76 Reveal

Chances are you’ve played a Fallout title at least once in your life. It would be hard not to. The series has been around since Fallout originally dropped in 1997. This post-apocalyptic role-playing game follows the survivors of a massive nuclear holocaust and has seen as many as 4 sequels. With so much content the logical question would be “where do we go from here” and to answer that question Bethesda has decided to go backward with Fallout 76.

Fan Fallout

It’s easy to understand why many loyal Bethesda fans were disappointed with the announcement of yet another Fallout game. While many fans should be calmed by the highly anticipated reveal of Elder Scrolls VI others were left feeling like the company had dropped the ball with the arrival of yet another Fallout title.

Back of blue jacket with gold trim collar and the number 76 in gold.

Fallout 76, the follow up to Fallout 4 is in actuality a prequel. It is becoming more and more common to see big franchises take this approach to worlds they know their audience is already invested in. Just look at Assassins Creed Origins and the newly announced Assassins Creed Odessey.

Despite the success of the Assassins Creed prequels fans are very concerned about the new direction the Fall out franchise is taking. It has been said 76 will be an online survival game meaning it will be an online only, multiplayer game. Despite developers claiming the game can be played solo, it seems this approach would be almost impossible and wildly less fun to play.

Everyone loves the concept of playing with your friends in a digital world. However, online-only gameplay rarely works out the way you want it to. Finding gamers with a similar play style is nearly impossible unless you have a dedicated squad to play with on a regular basis.

Building A Better Tomorrow

One of the best aspects of the online multiplayer platform is the ability to build a compound with your team. Before this was a tedious task you were made to undertake on your own. Now in Fallout 76 you will be able to build with your team cutting build time in half and allowing for even more impressive structures to be constructed.

Fans Have A Plan

Despite the initial scare fans experienced at the Bethesda press conference there has already been a community movement to take power into their own hands. One way they will be able to do this is with private servers. One fan remarked, “What I’m saying is: there’s huge potential for players to create and curate a world with serious depth.”

Players are hoping to have extensive control over their private worlds as it would help them feel they hadn’t lost what they love about the Fallout franchise. And maybe this will be the unintended spark that makes Fallout 76 one of the best games in the series. But only time will tell. One thing you can count on, fans will be outspoken when the game releases in the fall.

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