Everything You Need To Know To Stay Safe On The Internet

The Internet started as a simple networking protocol meant for the sole purpose of communication. Over the years, however, it has become a lot more than that. Everything from banking to shopping has gone online. The internet has significantly shrunk the amount of time these tasks take.

However, the internet is not always a safe place. Being safe on the Internet requires knowledge and application. There are many bots and malware out there that specialize in collecting information from websites and other portals online. It is up to you to keep your work-related or personal data safe online,

Precaution is the Key

Threats either infiltrate a network or an individual system while browsing or via mail. A strong firewall coupled with a certified antivirus application will ensure that you are able to detect and stop threats quickly. Using an updated and robust filter for the network’s mailing system will keep suspect attachments and malware out.

Behavioral changes like using strong passwords with alphanumeric characters, not opening any unknown attachments before scanning, and staying generally cautious when working online will also keep you safe on the internet. Do not download from uncertified sites and even when you trust the website. If at all you need to download something, do so to an isolated machine first.

Make Full Use of All Security Features Available

One of the most important measures that need to be taken when it comes to the security of an entire network is to limit access based on functioning requirements. Changing passwords frequently and immediately after a work involving third-party personnel can also enhance it significantly. 

When conducting financial transactions through banks’ online portals, make sure you use all the safety features provided to you. These include the virtual keyboard to enter your details, the use of one-time passwords, security questions, etc. Oh and we certainly don’t have to tell you to not reveal your password to anyone else. Do not write them down or store them places accessible by others. Do change your passwords often.

While these are simple precautions each one of us can take, there are certain tools out there that take security a step higher.

Try Penetration Testing

The easiest way to figure out how to secure a website or a particular system is is to try and hack it from the outside. In other words, employ a team of professionals to try and penetrate the security systems and firewalls from the outside. This will help extract information and expose the vulnerabilities inside the system. The longer or harder it is to get in, the more secure the system or webpage is. This is penetration software testing metrics.

Kali Linux is a great tool for penetration testing. It is an open-source Linux distribution that has been developed specifically for use by ethical hackers. Penetration testing is made easy thanks to the wide array of tools that come bundled with the distribution. 

Whether you are an individual user, webmaster or professional ethical hacker the basic steps to remain safe online are the same. Depending on your need and expertise you might want to scale up the level of protection with specialized tools as mentioned above.

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