My stay in rehab in Birmingham was quite pleasant contrary to what I had expected. I had an alcohol addiction for years. I even managed to go teetotal for 2 years but after a breakup with my ex-girlfriend, I relapsed. After almost a year of heavy drinking, I realized I needed to get professional help.
The idea came to me when I read an article about rehab centres in London and I decided to check whether something similar exists in my area.

To my surprise, I found out that there are more than half a dozen Serenity rehabs here. One can go there to see the place with his own eyes and check the feel it gives. By the time I went there, I was heavily depressed and feeling quite miserable. Saint John’s Recovery Place is a best place for alcohol treatment.
The place looked cozy and comforting and did not give an impression of a prison they lock you in. After a tour around the place, I had a long chat with the doctor. I discovered that it is even possible to be an outboard patient with the rehab and undergo the detox program at home. The doctor told me that it might work in my case but recommended going inboard for 3 weeks.
The time I spent in rehab felt like a holiday. I was lucky since my alcohol detox went quite well and the withdrawal symptoms were pretty mild. I was taking some medication so maybe this is the reason why I felt not as bad as I did when I was quitting drinking before.
I am more than grateful to my therapist for all the work we did together with her. It was quite hurtful to discuss my childhood, the abusive father, and the failed relationship I had in the past. One might wonder what all this has to do with my drinking but getting drunk was an escape from the pain and problems I did not want to face.
I am not the one who likes socializing a lot and normally do not like group activities much. So I was very careful to take part in group therapy which turned out to be an ok experience after all. I quite liked some outdoor activities the center was offering. I also had massage sessions and they were fab.
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