Be Professional: Top Tips For Your New Business

In all areas of life, it is vital to start as you mean to go on. An unprofessional start to your new business will likely not be forgotten, so get the fundamentals in place as soon as possible. Read our top tips to help you ensure that ‘professionalism’ is something with which you and your venture are associated. 

Brand Identity

I’m certain that, lurking beneath all the ideas you have come up with, there is a solid idea for a brand identity somewhere! Ensure that it isn’t tacky or offensive. We all hear that ‘sex sells’, but if you go along that line and use inappropriate language or images, you are alienating a significant proportion of your potential market. 

The first thing to consider is your business’s name. Always check that there are no other enterprises with the one you have chosen. Social media handles ought to be free for you to utilize too, otherwise, confusion can easily arise. Research names similar to the one you’re considering as well. The last thing you want is for someone to end up at a completely different website because they have misheard and or misspelled your company name.

Your logo is important too. There are many free logo design options available online. However, you must take into account that other ventures may have the exact same design, just with a different name. Is that the image you are really hoping to portray? A color scheme can be significant. Choose wisely, ensuring that your tones allow top quality readability. 


It is vital that you ensure all communication, whether via email or over the ‘phone is conducted in a professional manner. Using terms of endearment such as ‘love’ and ‘hun’ might be suitable for a shop assistant or a beauty therapist, but if you want to be taken seriously, avoid these words at all costs. Even starting an email with ‘hi’ is too informal.

Smart technology, such as the utilization of a cloud system, can support good communication. It can enhance and support those who work from home, allowing the sharing of documents and collaboration from a distance. Although you may know your workforce closely, it is still vital that you address them in a formal way.


The first few seconds after visiting your website are the most important. If it looks outdated and amateurish, many will assume that your business approach is the same. This is far from ideal, so do your research as it is vital that your website appears and works in the most professional way possible.

Many people opt for an expensive service thinking that splashing out equates to the best deal. This isn’t always the case. The godaddy status is often ‘down’ and so you might be paying for a service that simply cannot deliver all of the time. 

Consider whether you want to accept google ads or similar. They bring in a little extra revenue, but will they be tailored well enough to your business and potential clients to fit with your professional image? 

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