A Comprehensive Review Of Content Camel

Closure rates, deal sizes, monthly quota, prospecting, cold calling, and so on. There are plenty of things that the sales team must think about during, before, and after the sale process. 

For many years, businesses have equipped their sales team with an excellent resource to make the selling process smooth and seamless. That is, of course, sales enablement software. It helps the sales reps to work efficiently and accomplish their goals. 

The market is filled with a lot of distinct types of sales enablement tools. Recently, a new sales enablement software is surfacing and gaining popularity rapidly. Content Camel is an excellent sales enablement tool for targeting buyers, providing the right content, enhancing user engagement, and closing sales deals. 

Want to know more about Content Camel? You are in the right place. In this post, we have mentioned everything you need to know about this tool; the good and the bad. 

About Content Camel 

As mentioned above, this is a sales enablement software that will help the sales team to manage sales content. You can organize everything in one place. It is useful for enhancing customer experience. 

Thanks to this software, you can get rid of the abundance of folders. It will enable you to find, share, track, and search any content you want without any challenge. Also, you can manage the content through custom tagging, content type, funnel stages, and so much more. 

Key Features

  • Google Drive Integration
  • Organization 
  • Document Management 
  • Sales Analytics
  • Sales Content Management 
  • Sales Stack Integration
  • Customized for Buyer Experience 
  • Collaboration 
  • Presentation Management
  • Performance Management 


There are a plethora of reasons why we liked this software. Here is a list of some of the best things. 

Makes Searching Hassle-Free

Unlike other tools, Content Camel makes finding the document or assets easy with its search, track, and sharing capabilities. Your sales team will not have to waste hours finding the right content. 

Another great feature of this tool is its ability to create share links whenever you add new content. Not many businesses know this, but 65% of the marketing content is not used by the sales team. That is because they cannot find the right content. 

Content Camel solves this problem with automatic share links. In this way, the sales reps will use the latest content at the right time. 

Organizes Your Content Properly

We all know how frustrating it is to have a Drive or DropBox filled with tons of content and having no idea what type of content is there. Or not being able to find the required content at the time. This is where Content Camel comes in handy. You will be able to manage and organize all your content by funnel stages, tags, and content types. 

Since all the content will be in one place, the sales team can easily access videos, datasheets, white papers, and blog posts. Having access to the required content at the right time. In this way, sales reps will be able to close deals in a better and faster way. 

Reasonable Prices

Now, you will not have to burn a hole in your pocket to get a sales enablement tool. Content Camel offers a monthly subscription for $15 only and yearly for $162. Moreover, you can get a free trial before subscribing to it. Another great thing is that you will not have to sign any long-term contracts. 

Excellent Customer Support Service 

Content Camel offers exceptional customer support service for all its users. Their experts are available 24/7 to help you.


Just like any other software, here are some of the things that we didn’t like about Content Camel. 

Lacks Some Great Features 

Though this tool has plenty of good features, there are some features that it lacks. Content Camel lacks contact management, goals management, training management, lead management, and meeting management. 

All these features are essential for sales reps to improve sales productivity. For instance, contact management goes hand in hand with sales management software. It will help you organize and track information about prospects, customers, and sales leads. With the meeting management feature, you can easily plan and book your meeting without any hassles. 

Limited Training Options

We all know that before using software, you must get training on how to properly use it. When it comes to training, Content Camel has a wide range of resources. You can attend webinars, live sessions online, and have access to documentation. However, the most efficient training is in-person training. There is no in-person training. It is a huge drawback for us as the sales team can productively learn during in-person training. 

Cannot be Used Everywhere

Unlike many sales enablement software, this tool cannot be used on different operating systems. It is a web-based software that you have to use through Chrome Extension. You cannot download on operating systems like Windows and Mac. 

No Tracking Capabilities

The ease of sharing the link of the recently added asset is a big plus point. But what we don’t like is that there is no way to check who opened the document. It is impossible to track the usage of the asset by both employees and clients or prospects. 

Not So User-Friendly 

The software claims to be easy to navigate and use. Yet, it is not user-friendly from a mobile device. It is best to use it on a laptop or computer. 

Final Verdict 

All in all, we recommend Content Camel to every business for sales and marketing content. With the help of this tool, the sales reps can close a deal quickly. That is because it helps in creating content for every funnel stage. It is perfect for small to large-sized businesses. You can easily use it for teams of 5 to 50+ members. 

However, you cannot use it on a mobile device or download it on your computer. For using it, you will have to get the Chrome Extension as it is web-based only. Still, it is one of the best tools your sales team can use for increasing productivity and sales.

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