8 Things to Consider When Designing a Master Bathroom

modern concept master bathrrom
Photo by Max Rahubovskiy: https://www.pexels.com/photo/interior-of-stylish-colourful-bathroom-with-furniture-7045845/

Designing a master bathroom requires a careful blend of form and function. It’s about curating a space that caters to your individual needs while also contributing to your home’s overall value, particularly in a state like New Jersey, known for its robust real estate market and high property values. Every aspect of your home’s design plays a crucial role. Did you know that the median home value in New Jersey is approximately $468,000, according to the Zillow Home Value Index?

With such substantial investments in real estate, it becomes even more important to consider the design and functionality of your master bathroom carefully. Paying attention to the details and creating a well-appointed master bathroom enhance your daily routine and also contribute to increasing the overall value of your home in this thriving market. This blog post will delve into eight key considerations to help you design a master bathroom.

1. Considering Your Budget

Designing a dream bathroom is exciting, but it’s essential to stay grounded in your budget. The cost of a bathroom remodel can vary significantly based on your choices of materials, fixtures, and finishes. Therefore, before you dive headfirst into the design process, establish a realistic budget.

Consider the essential elements you need to include and allocate funds accordingly. Quality should not be sacrificed for cost, especially for fixtures like taps and showerheads that need to last. While keeping budget considerations in mind, it’s possible to design a bathroom that feels luxurious and is built to last.

2. Engaging the Right Bathroom Contractor

Choosing a qualified contractor is instrumental to realizing your vision for a dream master bathroom. An experienced bathroom contractor in New Jersey can guide you in making the best choices for your fixtures like bathtub and shower, considering both your style preferences and the specific needs of your space.

To identify the right professional for your project, conducting thorough research is essential. Review their portfolio, examine past projects similar to your planned master bathroom design, and read client testimonials. Furthermore, don’t hesitate to ask for references to gain deeper insights into their work ethic, professionalism, and reliability.

3. Deciding on the Color Scheme and Style

Opting for the ideal color palette and design aesthetic can truly transform the vibe of your master bathroom. It goes beyond just the visual appeal; the hues you decide on can significantly impact your state of mind and establish the mood for your day-to-day activities.

When selecting a color palette, initiate by envisioning the kind of environment you wish to immerse in. Consider colors that are vibrant and energetic, such as navy blue, lush emerald, or even a luxurious burgundy. As for the design aesthetic, think about the overall ambiance you wish to create in your master bathroom. However, make sure that your aesthetic and color palette reflect your preferences and your home’s broader design theme.

woman looking at several paint color palette wheels
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

4. Importance of Space Planning

Your bathroom’s layout and spatial distribution play a critical role in its functionality and aesthetic appeal. Evaluate your space and envision how each element, from the bathtub to the vanity, will fit in.

A master bathroom needn’t be vast, but it should feel spacious. Clever design can make even smaller bathrooms feel open and luxurious. Working with a professional designer can be beneficial as they can provide innovative space-saving ideas while ensuring your master bathroom’s layout is logical and flowing.

5. Prioritizing functionality

When it comes to master bathrooms, beauty should never supersede functionality. After all, this space is used daily, so it needs to be practical. Consider the ergonomics of your design. Is there enough room to move around comfortably? Are the fixtures easy to use and access? Is there sufficient lighting in areas where you need it most, like the vanity?

Moreover, think about your personal needs and lifestyle. If you love long soaks in the tub, invest in a large, comfortable bathtub. A large walk-in shower with multiple showerheads might be more suitable if you prefer quick showers.

6. The Perfect Lighting

Lighting in a bathroom goes beyond being a practical necessity; it’s a crucial design element that impacts the ambiance of the space. Incorporating a mix of light sources is beneficial. Task lighting, such as sconces or lighted mirrors, is crucial for activities like applying makeup or shaving. Ambient lighting can soften the overall lighting and create a relaxing atmosphere, perfect for a calming bath after a long day.

Natural light is also a boon in the master bathroom. Consider implementing a skylight or frosted windows for privacy while allowing in plenty of sunlight. A well-lit bathroom blends different light sources, creating a warm and inviting space.

7. Ventilation and Heating

An often overlooked but crucial aspect of bathroom design is ventilation. Good ventilation is vital to prevent the buildup of moisture, which can lead to mold and mildew. Ensure your design includes an efficient exhaust system, and consider extras like a dehumidifier for a consistently comfortable environment.

Underfloor heating or a heated towel rail can add that extra touch of luxury to your bathroom, especially in cooler climates. These features can also add value to your home, making them a worthy investment.

large, fancy bathroom with tile floors and gold fixtures
Photo by Ronnie George on Unsplash

8. Flooring and Wall Choices

The materials you choose for your bathroom floors and walls should not only match your chosen style but also withstand the humid bathroom environment. Non-porous materials, such as ceramic or porcelain tiles, can resist moisture and are easy to clean. If you prefer a more luxurious look, stone tiles, while more expensive, can add a touch of sophistication.

Keep in mind that bathroom floors should be slip-resistant to prevent accidents. Also, consider heated floors for that added touch of luxury and comfort, especially in colder climates.


Designing a master bathroom is an exciting project that adds personal enjoyment and value to your home. By engaging the right bathroom contractor, understanding your space, and balancing functionality with style, you can create a luxurious and practical master bathroom that suits your lifestyle.

Remember, the goal is not just to have a visually appealing space, but a room that caters to your needs, offers comfort, and possibly enhances the value of your home. So take the time to plan, consult professionals, and make informed decisions. Your dream master bathroom is well within your reach.

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Brenda Coles
I'm an elementary school teacher who became a stay-at-home mother when my first child was born. I love to write about lifestyle, education, and news-related topics.