7 Benefits Of Getting Permanent Dentures

According to research, more than 36 million Americans do not have natural teeth. And up to 90 percent of them wear dentures. So, if you do not have teeth due to gum disease or tooth decay, you are not the only one.

Although not having natural teeth may be somewhat embarrassing, having the right help can restore your smile and confidence.

This is why it is essential to utilize a qualified professional such as Bagley Family Dental from Greely, CO when deciding to get permanent dentures.

But then, which should you opt for between removable (temporary) dentures and permanent dentures? This is what you are about to find out in this article.

Removable vs. Permanent Dentures: Which is the Best Option?

Removable or temporary dentures are generally affordable and convenient choices for many individuals. However, you may have to get a replacement every 5 to 10 years.

On the other hand, permanent dentures are always in place, giving you a more natural look. But then you may have to shell out a lot of money as these dentures last much longer. 

But which should you opt for? To help you decide, here are seven benefits of getting permanent dentures:

1.    Profound Comfort

Permanent dentures are much more comfortable and offer a better fit than using its removable counterpart. 

They are designed to be worn for numerous years providing any unforeseen changes to your mouth.

Getting permanent dentures does require several visits to your dentist’s office for a perfect custom fit, but it is worth it. 

Temporary dentures tend to move around in your mouth, thereby irritating your gums or causing sores.

But permanent dentures do not do that as they are always locked into place. Although more expensive, they offer better comfort and durability.  

2.    Enhanced Youthful Appearance

Tooth loss can lead to bone loss which can cause your face look sunken-in and make you look older. 

The roots of your teeth are vital to ensuring your jawbone remains healthy and functional. Temporary dentures do not contribute to this in any way. And this means your jawbone may break down sooner or later.

But the dental implants that usually come with permanent dentures will not allow your jaw to collapse and will help return definition and shape to your jaw, cheeks and chin. .

This is because they conveniently replace the tooth roots. And this provides additional support for your jaws.

3.    Stronger Bite

Some foods will always be off the table if you opt for removable dentures. That means you may not be able to eat hard foods or even fruits such as apples.

You dare not try eating such foods with temporary dentures as you may end up embarrassing yourself.

But that is not the case with permanent dentures. Your diet is not limited in any way when you go for permanent dentures. You can eat any food your heart desires, including sticky and hard foods.

4.    Convenience

What makes most people with missing teeth opt for permanent dentures is the convenience. You can take care of them just like you would your natural set of teeth.

But you cannot attempt that with removable dentures. This is because they come with several inconveniences such as buying a particular dental paste, getting extra clips, and contending with the risk of breaking the dentures.

5.    Durability

Permanent dentures are far more durable than their removable counterpart, according to this professional dentist in Oakland. They are locked in place for life and will serve you just like your natural teeth would have without any issues whatsoever.

Of course, you need to stick to the rules or stipulations that your dentist tells you.

6.    More Natural Look

Permanent dentures will give you a much more natural look than removable dentures. You can smile with confidence when you are out with friends or at an event. And no one will suspect that you are wearing permanent dentures in the first place.

7.    Shorter Surgery

The truth is that permanent dentures require shorter surgery as well as healing times. It is a far less invasive procedure when compared to temporary dentures. And you may have to deal with post-op discomfort as well.


As you can see, the benefits of getting permanent dentures far outweigh the cost of opting for its temporary alternative.

Although permanent dentures are somewhat costly and take time to get the perfect fit, they are the best option for you.

Permanent dentures restore your natural look, and you can smile brightly in public without feeling self-conscious in any way.

Dentures today provide outstanding aesthetics and an excellent fit to restore your beautiful smile and increase your confidence. You can learn more about this procedure and after-care tips with the Riley Dental Group in san fernando.

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