5 Ways To Improve Learning Environments

improve learning by thinking about your environment

Are you having trouble focusing? Can’t sit still in one spot for an hour, or even thirty minutes, to finish your assignments? Can your environment help improve learning?

Well, you’re not alone. Everyone works in different environments, whether it’s a college, work, or home. Some people can do their homework while their television blasts in the background, but some can’t even start their tasks if their space isn’t dead silent.

The point is you’re going to have to find your own personalized learning space. The five tips below will help you do that!

1. Make Sure You’re Properly Equipped

First things first, you have to make sure you have everything you need in order to stay focused and improve your learning environment.

This includes having your books in order, having paper on standby, and having writing utensils as well. In addition, you want to make sure you have stable connections if you’re working online – you can’t complete your online work if you don’t have stable access to the internet. So go to a place that has a great connection, such as a library.

If you’re struggling to create such an environment, maybe upgrade some equipment. For instance, if you’re the principal of a school, make sure to get broadband for schools so that all your students and teachers are able to access the internet without a hitch.

2. Make a Space That Suits You

To improve learning through your environment, make sure you make a space that suits you; otherwise, you will struggle to focus.

For instance, if your teacher recommends that you listen to classical music while studying, but in reality, classical music puts you to sleep, then don’t put on classical music. Not every recommendation is going to work for you, so you have to experiment with everything.

Soon, you’ll be able to find an environment that works best for you!

3. Put on Music

Sometimes, putting on music helps you study better. It depends on the type of music – this can even include white noise to block out other sounds in your surroundings.

You can even choose music that helps you focus better as well. For instance, putting on music from a game can help. Game music is supposed to intrigue you into finishing goals because that is what the game makers want – they want you to keep playing by keeping you motivated. 

The best way to put game music into use is to listen to it while studying. You might eventually trick your mind into thinking that doing your homework is a goal you have to finish within a certain time limit, just as some games do with their goals.

4. Surround Yourself With Other People

It also helps to surround yourself with people who have the same goals. For example, hosting homework “parties” might help because everyone will be doing the same thing.

“Monkey see, monkey do” might kick in and get you to focus. In addition, it’s also fun to be surrounded by your friends so that you can get help if you happen to be working on the same assignment.

If homework “parties” aren’t an option, going to the library also works because everyone is working there.

5. Set Goals

Finally, you want to make sure you’re setting reasonable goals to improve learning and your learning environment. For instance, if you can’t stand working on the same task for an hour, set a timer for 30 minutes, and switch tasks when the timer is up. 

This will help you keep your mind active and get stuff done faster.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, these five suggestions help you improve your learning environment, whether you are a student or a teacher.

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Brenda Coles
I'm an elementary school teacher who became a stay-at-home mother when my first child was born. I love to write about lifestyle, education, and news-related topics.