5 Top Kids Games to Teach Your Child Different Skills

children working together on a tablet
Photo by Liliana Drew: https://www.pexels.com/photo/kids-in-costumes-playing-games-with-tablet-computer-8506376/

You know that kids’ games can do incredible things for your kids, don’t you? In this fast-paced society where advancements in technology are on the rise, the use of games in education triggers everyone’s attention.

In fact, we commonly see parents telling stories about how their little ones learn better through play. For sure, every kid wants learning to be pleasant and rewarding. Whether in school or at home, gameplay is like hiding broccoli in a kid’s hamburger. Edutainment – that’s how educators call it. Also known as entertainment education, it is the fusion of education and entertainment. At its core, knowledge learning serves as a mere accessory product of childhood games and other sorts of happy activities.

According to research, kids’ games intensify knowledge acquisition by way of making the learning environment more attractive and inviting (Zeng, et al., 2020). Through these safe kids’ games, learners are able to take charge of their own learning and metacognition. Experts even highlighted how these kids’ games improve their learning, making them better decision-makers, even at a young age.

Just like many other parents across the world, you also want to fully understand how can these childhood games bring out the best in your kids, right? If so, feel free to read on.      

How Games Help Kids Learn

Moving on, kids’ games online do not just interest learners to grasp the concepts they are expected to discover in a pleasant way but also shoot up their self-efficacy and motivation. “Gamification” in the classroom ensures proper weaving of learning components through lesson badges, leaderboards, and point systems. These could make them more excited and eager to embark on the quest for new knowledge.

Photo by Alex Green on Pexels.com

Also, bringing together learning and entertainment through kids’ games improves participation in in-class activities, and teaches them to cooperate with the team. Although most of the kid’s games online can be played solo, never miss the opportunity to build camaraderie through team games. By inculcating the essence of cooperation and teamwork among these learners in their growing years, you are a few steps closer to building a cohesive society.     

Now, you might be wondering what makes childhood games an impressive add-on to the teaching-learning process. The role it plays in managing the classroom is vital. It is believed that learners behave well in class when they find pleasure and meaning in the things they do. Genuine learning is all about enjoying the process of “knowledge picking and sharing”.

Kids’ games, additionally, are brain trainers. As you noticed, there are childhood games that are fast-paced, which require them to be alert, focused, and attentive – all of which lead to improved reading ability.

Let me guess. You might be thinking about kids’ games as something that only sharpen the minds. If so, you better think again. These educational games go beyond mind development. It transcends to the development of socio-emotional skills, as they learn from their experiences.

For example, in a virtual game where learners play as protectors of endangered species, they may appreciate the beauty of conservation and love for wildlife. It might sound weird, but learners grasp important concepts by simply dwelling on a close-to-real-world scenario. Thanks to internet gameplay!         

Here’s another thing. The development of sharp thinking and problem-solving skills are not the only thing your kids get from playing safe kids’ games. These games inculcate respect, fair play, and discipline. Unlike other gamers of non-educational computer games, players of educational kids’ games can set boundaries and priorities. They can easily abandon their game whenever they have to. Most times, playing educational games let them patiently wait for their turn to play. This is a perfect opportunity to build patience in a generation that is engulfed by impulsiveness. To sum up, they may appreciate the essence of following the rules, and openness to new ideas from others.

Online Safety for Kids Games

Kids’ games online aren’t just about fun and entertainment. Rather, it involves the intelligent choice of learning games for kids that makes the instruction more effective. But, how? Look at it this way. We all know that a coin has two sides. This goes in the same way with kids’ games. Along with its benefits also lies some risks.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.com

This means that the wrong choice of childhood games in instruction may defeat the purpose of “edutainment”. As a matter of fact, it could mess up the effort to effectively deliver instruction through technology. Just like any other tools used in the educative process, well-planned and carefully-picked kids’ games are a sure way to create a society of well-rounded and socio-emotionally resilient individuals.  

Remember to keep an eye on suitability when choosing the learning games for kids to use for children. Recognize the fact that a specific game might be suitable for one child, but not for the other. Be very cautious. Pay attention to the games’ messaging functions, age ratings, in-game purchases, and responsiveness of the support center.    

Also, when selecting kids’ games, bear in mind the following: 

Although kid’s games help improve learners’ way of thinking, each game you choose must be connected with the new concepts that you want them to learn. It poses a challenge to all parents and teachers out there. To emphasize, let me say it again. Establish a connection.  

Choosing a multi-player video game is not the only way to integrate a community-building element in education. Teachers, as guides on the side, are being challenged to showcase their creativity in designing safe kids’ games that take the learners off the traditional way of academic learning.

Both parents and teachers who plan to use kids’ games in making their kids learn better should take baby steps. It’s okay to start small. As much as possible, don’t overwhelm children with over-gamification. Also, it is important to engage them in regular talks, and set gaming rules together. Make sure that they are fully aware of the scams and trolling going on in the internet these days.

Short and understandable reminders, like “Do not give out personal information to people you play with online” and “Be cautious with spending money for games” can go a long way. It also helps to play the game with them. This is to test the suitability of the game they play based on its functions and settings.    

Planning for game variation? Give it a go! A mix of games jump-starts a day. Do not settle for games that teach only strategy and concepts, but rather choose those with easy-to-understand rules. Games like these can evoke positive attitudes and emotions among children. You’ll be amazed to see the kind of future citizens you have created through this “edutainment” tool.

Game List

Now,  I can feel your excitement to know the best kids’ games that today’s children would surely love to try. Check them out.

ABC Mouse

Awarded with the Teachers’ Choice Award, ABC Mouse is a renowned online learning center designed for children ages 2 to 8. The heart of its curriculum is the complete early learning program containing more than 850 classes and 10,000 activities. This means that your kids get the best online learning experience they deserve. Like a teacher in class, it goes down to the intellectual level of the learners. It gradually slows down, letting your child pick up the pace.

main screen from ABC mouse

To explore this online learning hub, simply click any button at the top. These buttons could take your child to challenging and fun-filled learning exercises like painting, listening to music, reading novels, playing video games, and drawing pictures. It has updated games and hundreds of hours of educational materials. Rest assured that your child never gets bored. All these and more are made accessible at only $45 per year.

Prodigy Education

Over a million teachers and 50 million students around the world enjoy the math game Prodigy. It offers a distinctive educational experience and revolutionizes education through the use of game-based learning. To win in this interactive math game, players must correctly solve mathematical problems. As a bonus, Prodigy helps kids discover new talents, collect rewards, embark on challenges and quests, and play with friends.

game play screen on Prodigy software

Can you imagine how rewarding it is to improve their Math skill while having fun and making new comrades? Prodigy Basic (the free account) is available, but the Level Up membership for Prodigy costs $6.25 a month. Everything in Prodigy is included in this bundle, plus additional features to keep your child interested and encourage more math work.


Funbrain is a free interactive learning resource that stores a huge collection of kids’ games, books, comics, and movies for children in Kindergarten through Grade 8. It is designed to help kids improve their literacy, Math, reading, and problem-solving abilities.

Looking for an enjoyable and secure learning experience both at home and at school? Consider it done with Funbrain because it is the name millions of parents and teachers have trusted since 1997. 

National Geographic Kids

National Geographic Kids is a free magazine for kids. Here, your kids may discover the most fascinating documentaries, on the planet. These young minds will surely love to know more about the unique sea and land creatures, as well as to uncover ancient civilizations and mysteries.

This is perfect for young adventurers ages 6-9 who want to learn about animals, geography, ecology, and history. Aside from stories about the world, it contains puzzles, learning games for kids, and more. Get your children the amazing exploration of our magnificent world.

PBS Kids

Do you have a kid ages 2 to 8 who loves playing kids’ games online? PBS Kids is perfect for you. It is the home of fun family printable activities, kids’ art songs, stories, videos, and interactive games.

PBS kids theme screen


There are too many educational kids games to cover in one article. Each game focuses on a different age group and a different school subject. Using the appropriate game for your child’s age and skill level is crucial, but there are also many game styles to choose from. Finding the game that entertains and teaches at the same time can be difficult amongst all the options available today. But do your homework and you can find the right choice for your child!

Author: JOSEPHINE M. DELIMA, PHD., a Master teacher in the Philippines who is working in the Department of Education for ten years. 

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