5 Lean Canvas Examples of Multi-Billion Startups

This article will discuss 5 lean canvas examples of multi-billion startups and related facts. I am hoping to give you the maximum detailed information. The plan is very important to implement any corporate idea. It helps the organization to work smoothly to achieve its targets. No matter the targets are short or long turns. It helps the management in different ways. For instance, risk management, litigation issues, and competition issues can easily be managed in time. A lot of resources participate to make a realistic and applicable. To develop any plans, complete details are pivotal to jot down the plan of any business.

Similarly, different websites started their business following the same tracks. Let’s take the examples of Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, and Airbnb. There was a time when very few people knew about these websites. But now these organizations are tycoons in their fields. As mentioned above, these websites went through the same initial process. But now, these organizations hold their fields as an authority. They have become trendsetters.

During the period of these organizations flourishing, different management tools were introduced. Among others, “Lean Canvas” is also very popular. Furthermore, the above-discussed websites followed the management tool mentioned above.

What is the definition of a lean canvas?

Ash Maurya is the author of this lean tool. According to this tool, despite adopting long and formal ways of planning, smaller is adopted. We can call it a 1-page business plan. It states to bifurcate key elements of the thoughts or assumptions. Taking each element, the management solves the issue. Resultantly, no formalities are required and less time-consuming. Furthermore, it does not require a long to make any change in it. Now in the following lines, let us discuss the 5 best lean canvas models that have now become tycoons in the industry.

The Lean Canvas Models and details about 5 multi-billion-dollar businesses  

Well, let us find some different organizations from different aspects like; one of those is driven by invention and the remaining by finances.   Furthermore, the owners of Facebook, Google and YouTube did not think to get profits at the very beginning. We found Airbnb and Amazon as for-profit businesses. Undoubtedly, every organization works for profit being the primary goal. Here are 5 Lean Canvas Examples of Multi-Billion Startups. Thus, if you’ve been wondering whether you should use a lean canvas model, our answer is: ‘Yes, you should’. And what could be more important in your business than having a reliable technical partner? By reaching out to this Blog LITSLINK, a top software development company, you get a chance to implement your boldest ideas with high-quality software development services.


Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded Google in 1998. They were working while staying at Menlo Park, California at that time. “Googol” was the original name of this development. About $36.1 million is the total funding of this website. In 2004, the company got funds of $1.7 billion in its initial public offering (IPO). We can say that “Google” is the largest website viewed and visited on the earth. It offered hard and soft products, online advertising, cloud computing, and a variety of other services. And now has grown to some multi-billion-dollar corporation. It specializes in different fields, as mentioned above. It started at a very basic level. They defined their 1-page plan to develop the website. They started their business by making changes according to their needs and requirements. They continued till reached today. And now, every single cell is using this development.


Dustin Moskovits, Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, and Chris Hughes founded it in 2004. First, they developed it with the name as “The facebook”. As far as total funding is concerned, it is about $2.3 billion. It was one project that emerged after the commercialization of .com bubble burst was Facebook. Its development story starts from a dorm room of Harvard. Mark Zuckerberg and his colleagues were developing a students’ directory with photos and key information. Resultantly, “facemash” came out of their thoughts as their development. But the people did not appreciate their product. Later on, they produced “the facbook”, the classic version of today’s facebook.


YouTube is considered as another post-irrational energy idea. Steve Chen, Jawed Karim and Chad Hurley founded it St. Matthew, CA. developed it in 2005. The founders of YouTube did not begin the project in a garage or bedroom. They chose an apartment and where the largest video accommodation service from around the world was built. It is worth to say that Internet users had no Youtube alternative, since “Share your world” was the first website to close the video host in 2001. It was recently opened by Vimeo. Finally, the former employees of Paypal Mandabos, Steve, and Chad refused the efforts in the development of a video hosting company. It was just because that it was based on the idea of  creating a video version from the online, hot or not socialization service.

They were charging the Promising projects. In fact, the original investor, Sequoia Capital amounted to $ 3.5 million ten months just after activating the domain. Finally, in 2006, Google bought YouTube for an amazing $ 1.65 billion.


We now associate the startup with a wide range of actions such as cloud computing, e-commerce, and even artificial intelligence. It answered the call of the world’s second-longest waterfront. Jeff Bezos in 1994 in Washington, D.C. founded it proudly. Its original name was “Calabra.”It has collected $108 million so far. In reality, it was a web bookstall that dared traditional bookstores nearly twenty-five years ago. However, Jeff Bezos is already working on creating “a one-stop-shop.”

Amazon with the passage of time, established itself in the midst of the dot.com bubble. It also had a chance to survive the next disaster. In fact, it all began in a garage with Bezos’ personal savings. It was the initial seed money of the organization. Internet users increased gradually. And most entrepreneurs had ridden the Internet wave. In the beginning, Jeff had a total of 20 products that he could sell on the internet. Books, on the other hand, made money due to their widespread popularity. It also offered these products at low costs. Finally, it would have been the 1994 version of the lean canvas example of Amazon.


Brian Chesky, Brian Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk founded it in 2008. This product is from San Francisco, California. Eric Ries established the basic principles of the lean start-up method after the three years company was founded. Because Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia did not pay for anything, the simple need to make money began with everything.  These guys put their visitors up on air beds and fed them food for $80 each morning. As a response, they released a project plan to test their concept.

Following that, the Airbnb team expanded and continued to make painful disclosures. The trio appears for a variety of ways to promote its farm animal operations, including cereal profits (totaling $ 30,000). The well-known accelerator has also contributed $20,000 in funding. He received a large investment shortly after the company name was changed to a bed and breakfast of air and Airbnb: Sequoia Capital seeded $ 600,000 a month later (April 2009). In 2018, the company’s market valuation hit 38 billion dollars, and they plan to have an initial public offering (IPO) this year.

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