3 Technologies to Invest in During 2018

While there are a number of geopolitical and macroeconomic issues facing investors in the modern age, these individuals must also deal with a financial marketplace that is constantly changing. This is particularly true in the current climate, where technological advancement continues at a frightening pace and creates a diverse range of assets for individuals to invest in.

In this post, we’ll consider some of these assets (and markets) in further detail and ask why they’re so investible in 2018.

Battery Technology

Let’s start with battery technology, which has seen exponential growth during the last 18 months. More specifically, it has benefited from more sustained demand and higher price points, with metals such as lithium and Cobalt taking center stage.

Battery Technology Is Advancing Fast

Lithium remains the leading battery metal, as it’s projected to achieve sustained growth over the course of the next six years. In fact, forecasts suggest that gross profit margins will remain in excess of $5,000 per ton for years, creating tremendous opportunities for businesses and investors alike.

Much of this has to do with the burgeoning electric car industry, which is set to achieve prolific growth during the next decade. Remember, the sales of electric vehicles recently exceeded 2 million worldwide, and this number will increase further as governments begin to gradually outlaw petrol and diesel cars.

Augmented Reality

Last year finally saw virtual reality (VR) enter the consumer mainstream, with this technology being applied successfully in the gaming and entertainment markets.

Despite this, it’s augmented reality (AR) technology that is expected to grow at a faster rate in the near-term, as it is more accessible and capable of introducing virtual elements into a corporeal world. Apple and Google are also headlining the brands hoping to fully embrace this technology, with Samsung also incorporating this into their premium Galaxy S range.

Augmented Reality Is Here To Stay

With these points in mind, it may be wise to invest in AR and related stocks before their associated values spiral. By 2023, it’s estimated that the AR market will be worth $61 billion, and arguably more advanced than the VR alternative.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

We close with cryptocurrency and the unique technology that underpins it. Digital currencies such as Bitcoin (and more recently Ripple) have taken the market by storm in recent times, with the former having seen its value increase from $900 to a staggering $20,000 during 2017 alone.

So, while cryptocurrencies may remain volatile, they continue to benefit from technological advancement, increased regulatory measures and the development of brand new applications. This makes them viable investments in the near and longer-term, so long as you approach the market with knowledge and understanding.

Cryptocurrency Is The Hottest Trend

Look out for Ethereum too, which is expected to see its market cap increase considerably in 2018 and emerge as a rival to Bitcoin and Ripple. This currency also has a wide range of applications in the online gaming sector, as it is behind the drive to create the world’s first, zero house edge casino.

In 2016 alone Lisk (LSK) raised more than $5 million in a month, Digix (DGD) raised over $5 million in just 14 hours, First Blood (1SŦ) raised over $5 million in less than five minutes back in September. “Each of these platforms is very much in its early stages.”

Between the numerous opportunities, such as “a worldwide potential investor pool to limited accreditation standards to multiple global exchanges providing 24/7 trading with deep order books and clients hungry for new assets,” and the “speed and ease of closing around has never been so efficient.”

This trend is only continuing to pick up steam.

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