10 Ways To Improve Employee Experience

Whether you are working from the home, office, or a co-working space, the new normal has opened doors for all kinds of work systems and workers. However, only 13% of individuals are satisfied with their work experience, revealed research by Gartner. This is why strong employee experience should be the top priority going forward.

Whether you are thinking of onboarding recruits or implementing new policies, below are ten things you can do to improve your employee experience.

  1. Map Employee Experience 

Start by mapping employee experience at various stages of their employment. This should cover all the stages from the time of recruitment till the exit. It will help you determine how your company’s purpose and culture apply to all the stages, and where you can improve.

You can get feedback from employees across the hierarchy for a comprehensive review. And take note of common challenges to reimagine your employee experience

  1. Prioritize Onboarding

The onboarding process is essential to employee experience as it is the first touch point. However, when not done properly, a poor onboarding experience can lead to low confidence in work roles, lower levels of engagement, and increased chances of turnover. 

Here are some ways to improve the process:

  • Assign mentors to new hires
  • Be clear about responsibilities and expectations
  • Answer any questions recruits have
  • Providing support throughout the process helps
  1. Company Culture

Shared values and company culture help instill a sense of purpose among employees and keep them engaged. At the same time, company culture is known to be a top reason behind job changes. 

To foster a healthy work culture, use surveys to understand the gaps in your current company culture. And have one-to-one talks with long-term employees. In any case, focus on creating opportunities to cultivate trust among co-workers and improve company culture. 

Go on team lunches, virtual escape rooms, or even movie parties! All of this can help improve employee experience.

  1. Communicate Clearly

Communication is a vital part of employee experience. It not only opens up dialogue between co-workers and management but makes workers more accountable. You can eliminate confusion and reduce chances of errors. 

Holding discussions, individual or group, can be one way of improving communication. Informal events or online channels also help.

  1. Offer Suitable Technology

Invest in technology that helps boost employee experience. These can range from employing collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams or Slack to company-owned laptops for remote working. 

  1. Provide Upskilling

Helping employees upskill also improves employee experience. For example, giving them leadership training for future roles. Letting them handle complex projects is another great way to help workers acquire more skills.

All you need to do is recognize and understand where the employees are falling back. Then offering them the resources and opportunity to improve on it. 

  1. Give More Autonomy 

Giving employees the autonomy and agency to direct their work can improve employee experience

When employees are monitored unnecessarily or micromanaged, they do not feel trusted. It leads to more demotivation. Acknowledge the efforts employees put in and praise them. It leads to a positive employee experience.

Your employees will be more engaged in work if they know their part contributes to team achievements.

  1. Ask for Feedback

There is no better way to show care for your employees’ opinions than by asking for feedback. However, you should go for salient feedback rather than immediate feedback. For example, if you held a training session for the new hires, you can ask for feedback in two ways:

  • The first scenario – You ask for feedback about how the session was after the training.
  • In the second scenario – You ask for feedback after a month, so it is more about how they could implement and apply the training in the actual work environment.

The second scenario clearly offers a better understanding of the employee experience.

Surveys are one way of asking for feedback. You can ask for feedback at different points in time. Onboarding, training, performance review, and exit are some instances that work well. However, acting on the feedback you receive is just as important as asking for it. 

  1. Boost Team Spirit

When employees are comfortable with each other, they perform well at work and also enjoy themselves. The more engaged and happy the workers, the more likely they are to work towards a common goal. All of this leads to a better employee experience

It also helps increase the sense of belonging. So, be aware of what works and does not work for each employee. This will help you form better teams for different projects. 

  1. Prioritize Employee Wellness

Actively supporting work-life balance has become necessary in today’s times. Prioritizing one’s physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health has become vital for everyone. Thus, workplace flexibility, acknowledgment, and help regarding parental needs, paid family leaves, and the likes are some things that employees expect as a part of their positive employee experience. Something as simple as partnering up with this cosmetic dentist in batavia il for your employees’ dental health can already go a long way.

Wrapping up 

Employee experience is dynamic and ever-changing. Providing fixed perks has become a thing of the past. Flexible benefits and personalized employee experience have given positive results.

Personalization strategies involve streamlining the daily activities of employees. This results in better focus at work and a positive employee experience.

WorkInSync hybrid workplace solution is designed to improve the employee journey in the office. Human resources managers across the globe are adopting ways to keep engaged employees happy. With WorkInSync, their efforts focusing on employees become easier. 

You can opt for a demo today to learn more. 

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