Why You Should Learn Data Analytics

looking at various types of data visualizations

We are living in the age of information. Internet is full of data. It’s upon us what we extract from it. Everything depends on data nowadays. Everyone is dependent on data now whether it’s a small business or a multinational company. All great minds use this data to formulate better strategies for the future of their companies. Multinational companies now rely on data scientists for making decisions based on data analysis.

What is Data Science?

“Data science is a multi-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data.”

Skills to become a data scientist

Data science is an umbrella term in which many scientific methods apply. For example mathematics, statistics, and many other tools scientists apply to data sets. Scientist applies the tools to extract knowledge from data. Becoming a data scientist requires these skills

Machine Learning

● Statistics and Probability

● Computer Science

● Communication

● Mathematical Analysis and Linear Algebra

● Data Presentation/Visualization

● Programming Languages like Python, SQL, Hadoop, etc

Why big data is the new frontier?

We live in a digital world, everything is data-driven. There is data science in business, accounting, We live in a digital world, everything is data-driven. There is data science in business, accounting, education, science, engineering, healthcare, technology, energy sector, government, even on sources with financial management assignment help, and so on. So having the ability to work with data is an essential skill. Companies are making decisions on the basis of data analysis.

Why you should learn data analytics?

Data analysis is the future now. Now I will describe 10 reasons why you should pursue a career as a data scientist.

1. Increasing job opportunities

Job postings for data scientists are increasing exponentially as every industry is looking for a data scientist. There are more jobs available than professional data scientists. Multinational companies are willing to pay more to data scientists. According to Google Trends, data science course searches are increasing at an exponential rate.

2. Jobs in every industry

Almost every industry is now adopting Machine Learning and Data Learning to excel from their competitors using data analytics. Almost every company can benefit from data science to know more about their customers. Data analytics has a huge influence on company policies and marketing strategies to maximize their revenue.

3. High Salary

The demand for professionals with this particular skill set is on the rise while the supply remains low. This creates great job opportunities for individuals within this field.

Data scientists are getting highly paid as compared to others in the IT field. Data scientist are less and vacancies are more so companies are offering more salary to data scientists. This trend is evident across the globe as more and more companies realize just how important these professionals are to the organization.

4. Data Analytics is everywhere

All organizations are looking to capitalize on data to improve their business using big data. There is practically no sector which has remained untouched from the reach of Data Analytics. So data analytics is everywhere and it’s a good time to learn it and reap benefits of becoming a data scientist before this field gets crowded too.

5. Data analytics is taking over faster than expected

Recent surveys show that multinational companies are adopting data analytics much faster than was expected. Surveys clearly indicate that data scientist jobs are increasing rapidly than any other technical job.

6. Less Competition

Less supply and more demand lead to high price. Same is the case here. Competition is much less as people don’t have enough knowledge for becoming a data scientist. This less competition favors data scientist.

7. Freelancing opportunities

Nowadays, people don’t like to depend on one income stream. They try to make 2-3 income streams to meet both ends. You can generate multiple income streams by becoming a data scientist. A data scientist can work for more than one firms at a time. He is not bound to a place as all data is on cloud-servers now. He can work from the ease of home. He is paid more too due to the shortage of data scientists.

8. Part of core-team

People like jobs in which they have the power of decision making. Decision making is the job of the core team of any organization. Data scientists are actually part of a core team. They are directly involved in every decision of the company. If you like to be a part of any company’s core team, learn data science so you can be an integral part of it.

9. Job titles for a data scientist

A data scientist can choose any of these jobs based on his area of expertise. Big organizations employ a large number of data scientists so they have further divided data science into different jobs. Some of them are as follows:

● Data Analyst

● Big Data Engineer

● Metrics and Analytics Specialist

● Data Analytics Consultant

10. Working Opportunity in big organizations

Some people dream of working at Google, Yahoo. If you are one of them, you can easily fulfill your dream of working in big organizations as these organizations are continuously looking for professional data scientists. How to become a Data Scientist?

After knowing the benefits of becoming a data scientist, you are thinking of pursuing it as a career. If you are thinking so, keep in mind that it’s a tough field. You have to learn many things to become a professional data scientist. To learn a new subject, you need training. You are lucky than previous data scientists because they don’t have many resources for learning data science.

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Andrew Cohen
I'm a gamer, but I'll admit that my skills in writing and researching are way better than my gaming skills. It's great to be able to share with you my passion for gaming!