What You Need To Know About Retaining Walls

Homeowners install retaining walls and structures to protect their homes against steep slopes and soil erosion. The land on which the property was constructed could present its own share of issues. Soil erosion can increase complications for the owners and lead to extensive property damage. By building a retaining wall, the owner takes on a more proactive role in protecting their home and preventing structural problems. 

Get The Proper Permits

Before starting a new construction project at home, the owners will need to get a proper permit for the project. If you have a house in Seattle and you want to build a retaining wall, you will need to comply with the Seattle retaining wall building codes to avoid any problems. The building inspector must sign off on the project and evaluate the structures after the project is completed. Property owners hire contractors to complete the projects for them, and the contractors could acquire the permits for the owners. The homeowners won’t have to worry that the application wasn’t completed correcting or pay high fees. Property owners who want to get a permit for a retaining wall start by visiting masonworksllc.com right now. 

You Need Adequate Support

The builders will create a retaining wall that can withstand pressure and weight. The purpose of the designs is to decrease soil erosion and ensure that the property remains stable. A landslide caused by eroding soil could destabilize the property and cause it to shift.

This could move the property’s foundation and damage its support system. Retaining walls are often constructed of large blocks or tiles that are heavy-duty and provide adequate support around the property and its exterior.  

A Proper Foundation is Necessary

The service providers will dig a trench for the retaining wall and create a strong foundation for it. The foundation provides support for the entire wall and prevents it from becoming damaged. A concrete slab is necessary to build up the wall and prevent structural damage.

The stones or tiles are stacked and sealed on top of the foundation to provide support and strength. The foundation will apply pressure to the wall and keep it more stable. The design must prevent soil from flowing past the stones or depleting the property’s exterior.  

Better Choices for Backfill

Backfill is gravel that is poured into the trench to give the retaining wall more support and prevent the wall from moving. The trench must be filled with backfill properly to ensure that it offers adequate support for the full structure. The contractors understand how to add the backfill properly and ensure that it performs as expected. They may need to add more backfill over time and prevent the wall from moving.   

Setting up Proper Drainage for the Wall

The retaining wall requires proper drainage for rainwater and snow, and the wall must have a proper system that prevents the water from pooling around the wall. The builders must review the drainage design that allows water to flow away from the property and decrease the risk of soil erosion and stability issues. The water cannot pool around the wall or weaken its structural integrity. Contractors will find better solutions for drainage to lower these risks.  

Homeowners that have a property that slopes will need a retaining wall to fight soil erosion and issues that could compromise the residential property. The walls are constructed at the back of the properties to keep the soil around the property from wearing away. If there is a steeper slope around the property, a landslide could happen and move the property. A retaining wall is the best solution. 

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