What Is The Hybrid Cloud?

The hybrid cloud is a method of cloud storage that allows you to combine a private cloud and a public cloud for your organization. Essentially, with a hybrid cloud, you store some of your company’s information on a private server and some of it on a public server. If you’re looking to learn more about the hybrid cloud system of organizational storage, here are a few things to know.

A Definition of the Hybrid Cloud

Quite simply, a hybrid cloud is any setup that utilizes both a private cloud system and a public cloud system to store your organization’s files and processes. Rather than just sticking to a private cloud system or a public cloud system, you can combine the two with a hybrid cloud system.

Private Clouds and Public Clouds

A private cloud is a system that’s completely dedicated to your network. In many cases, a private cloud system may even be on your premises, in which case you might call it an on-site cloud. Private cloud networks are cloud-based storage systems that only your organization can access, which means you have significantly more options for personalization.

A public cloud, on the other hand, is a system that a third party sets up to offer storage. With a public cloud, you’re using software and hardware that a third-party organization has in its own headquarters. You’re essentially “renting out” a small amount of space on the third party’s servers. This means you can increase or decrease the amount of space you’re renting out fairly easily, but it also means you don’t have as much control over the cloud system you’re using as you would with a private cloud.

The Benefits of Upgrading to a Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud combines the private cloud with the public cloud. There are actually many potential benefits that can come along with upgrading to a hybrid cloud.

One big benefit of upgrading to a hybrid cloud is that it provides a significant amount of flexibility. Many organizations will rent out more public storage than they do private storage, but this all depends on your unique needs. Some organizations with lots of private data, for example, may decide to have more private storage than public storage, so they can store sensitive information on their private servers. Either way, it’s easy for your organization to decide on the right option.

Another significant benefit is the cost savings that you’re likely to achieve when you upgrade to a hybrid cloud. Depending on the services you choose and how much storage space you need, you can end up saving thousands of dollars every month, which can add up very quickly.


A hybrid cloud can be a great option for your organization, even though it’s not the perfect option for every single organization. If you’re interested in upgrading to a hybrid cloud, it’s a good idea to do your own research and discover all the benefits. That way, you’ll get the best solution for your specific needs.

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