What Is Resveratrol? Benefits And Food Sources

You might already be aware of antioxidants and their benefits. Through regular metabolism, the body produces highly reactive and oxidizing molecules known as free radicals. Antioxidants work by trapping and defusing these harmful molecules, which are then removed from the cell’s environment.

Resveratrol supplement and antioxidant have some amazing benefits for various conditions in humans, including skin aging issues, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, etc.

What is Resveratrol?

The antioxidant Resveratrol can be found naturally in dark chocolate, peanuts, grapes, berries, etc. Its antioxidant properties made it popular among scientists. This polyphenolic compound has some incredible advantages that are discussed below-

resveratrol benefits can be gotten from supplements or from several foods.

Resveratrol Benefits

Reduces inflammation

Resveratrol is an antioxidant having anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it protects your body cells from damage caused by free radicals. It is most beneficial for brain and heart inflammation. 

Resveratrol helps develop a protective lining around the blood vessels that protects them from inflammation. As it is helpful for the brain, this antioxidant has neuroprotective qualities that help improve memory and enhance brain function.

Improves skin health

As the largest organ in the body, the skin serves as the first line of defence against harmful microbes. Resveratrol helps restore your skin’s natural barriers, making it feel smoother and look healthier. Additionally, it protects against ultraviolet rays and interrupts other harmful environmental influences.

Additionally, Resveratrol slows aging by stimulating healthy cell proliferation at a cellular level. It converts specific metal ions into complex molecules, inactivating their ability to produce free radicals, thus improving cellular function and promoting healthy collagen synthesis. Resveratrol has a powerful antioxidant effect that fights free radical damage responsible for skin aging.

May increase insulin sensitivity

In animal studies, Resveratrol has shown several benefits in diabetes. These benefits include reduced insulin resistance and the prevention of diabetic complications.

Resveratrol may work by inhibiting an enzyme that turns glucose into sorbitol. People with diabetes experience oxidative stress when too much sorbitol builds up in their bodies.

Those with diabetes could benefit from Resveratrol in the following ways:

  1. Reduces inflammation: Resveratrol is believed to reduce inflammation in various regions in the body, such as blood vessels, the brain, etc.
  2. Protects against oxidative stress: Several diabetes complications are attributed to oxidative stress, in which Resveratrol helps significantly.
  3. Activates AMPK: The body uses AMPK protein to metabolize glucose. It helps maintain blood sugar levels.

Resveratrol-rich foods


The highest content is found in red wines made from thick-skinned grapes. One glass of wine equals 20% of a conventional 750 mL bottle if the serving size is 150 ml. If you’re drinking a red like Pinot Noir or Merlot, then you’re consuming around one milligram of Resveratrol per glass. The majority of white wines, like Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay, contain even less than 0.1 mg.

Peanut butter

A cup of peanut butter contains up to 0.13 mg of Resveratrol. It is also a great source of manganese and niacin.


Pistachios contain approximately 0.20 mg of Resveratrol per 100g. Moreover, dry-roasted, unsalted pistachios provide 3.7g of polyunsaturated fat and 6.9g of monounsaturated fat per ounce. Make sure to choose the unsalted variety to maintain a healthy sodium level.


Each cup of red grapes contains 0.24 to 1.25 milligrams of Resveratrol. However, the compound is only found in the skin of grapes. The fruit varies in its amount of Resveratrol depending on grape cultivar, farm location, and disease-free development.

Grapes are one of many foods offering resveratrol benefits to your health

Cocoa powder

Resveratrol levels in cocoa beans are high, and raw cocoa powder is the best source of this antioxidant. 100g of cocoa powder contains 0.185 mg of trans-Resveratrol.


Blueberries are another healthy resveratrol source. Though they don’t contain as much Resveratrol as grapes, they are a great source of dietary fibre, vitamins K and C, and manganese.


Resveratrol supplement and antioxidant is essential for living a healthy lifestyle. This polyphenol-type antioxidant is excellent for keeping your skin, heart and brain healthy. An adult can consume up to 1500mg of Resveratrol daily. You can also use its supplements if you are unable to consume enough foods containing this antioxidant.

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