What Do eCommerce Consultants Actually Do And How Much Do They Cost?

The global eCommerce industry has increased over the past couple of decades, and it is expected to hit $4.2 trillion in 2021. The industry is so advanced and open that almost anyone can set up a website and start selling products or services for a reasonable price. 

As the immensity and potential of the market are enormous and shifts due to technology and customers’ demands constantly change, there is an increased need for good eCommerce specialists. And, if you do not know much about this type of profession, read this article to get a comprehensive idea.

Who Are eCommerce Consultants? 

eCommerce Consultants provide expert advice and share their helpful knowledge on, for example, but not limited to it: 

  • Search engine optimization, 
  • Blogging, 
  • Search engine markets, 
  • Focus on the right audience,
  • Social media marketing, 
  • Branding, 
  • Product promotion,
  • Operational support,
  • Give unbiased feedback,
  • Develop a road map,
  • Business growth possibilities. 

They play an increasingly significant role in the modern business landscape, which makes the profession incredibly attractive. 

However, as consultants work with different clients and various aspects of business development, it is essential to consider professional liability insurance for consultants when opting for this job. This type of insurance protects your company and helps you cover your legal fees and costs to defend your business in case of civil lawsuits and negligence claims related to professional mistakes.

What Do eCommerce Consultants Do?

eCommerce consultants are often hired to analyze an online store, look at its position within a particular industry or market, and design an eCommerce plan to promote or further advance the company. Often they do not only provide invaluable advice, but they can also take tasks off the owner’s plate and complete them faster and better.

As growth usually means increased sales, these online business experts have a dedicated process for figuring out the company’s improvements to increase revenues. Regardless of the platform on which the store is based, they can recommend changes to boost the conversion rate. 

On top of that, eCommerce consultants are responsible for tracking its progress towards its goals and adjusting the plan according to external and internal circumstances. As previously mentioned, they have a comprehensive understanding of various strategies that a business can use to promote a product or innovate a new one.

Importantly, these professionals can work with all kinds of businesses. They can help young startups grow and establish a hold in different industries. Many entrepreneurs who set up eCommerce stores have little or limited understanding of how online marketing works, which leaves them at a considerable disadvantage. Even if they have the best product, they are unlikely to sell if they do not have an appropriate marketing and target audience. 

Depending on the company’s niche, the product type they are selling, and the target market, eCommerce consultants are able to devise a strategy tailored to its needs. For example, many startups have limited or small budgets to spend on marketing. In this scenario, a professional will advise the company that their eCommerce strategy should maximize the return for every cent spent on marketing. 

They can also develop unique and innovative ideas for larger companies to expand and secure a steady client base and sales. They can also offer an outside perspective on the company, including new opportunities for business development. 

Simply put, for a company to grow, the services of an eCommerce consultancy are indispensable. Their experience, knowledge, and understanding of the eCommerce market are critical and can help companies of all shapes and sizes in more ways than one.

What Skills Do You Need?

Besides specialized skills gained through formal education or sound, practical experience, you need analytical, communication, and critical thinking skills to be a successful eCommerce consultant. 

  • Analytical skills – A successful online business expert analyzes website metrics, customer relationships, and competitor information to increase sales and ROI. 
  • Communication – eCommerce experts understand what marketing strategies will communicate best with a particular audience.  
  • Critical thinking – Online business specialists make decisions based on data and research to identify the most effective online strategies and offer the most appropriate solutions.

How Much Does An eCommerce Consultant Cost?

There is a large variety in the rates for eCommerce consultants. The primary factors are the level of expertise, the types of services, and the location. 

For example, US consultants usually start at $30/hour for mid-/lower-level work and go up to $50–200/hour at the expert level. General international freelancer rates range from $5/hour to $10/hour. Some consultants have an hourly rate or ask for a flat project rate, but all depends on the work. Lastly, the larger the business and the more valuable the advice of an eCommerce consultant- the higher the rate will be. 


As eCommerce consultants can offer an outside perspective on a business, including new opportunities for business development, they are becoming increasingly necessary for most eCommerce businesses. All entrepreneurs need professional assistance depending on the business scale at some point in – or even throughout – business life cycles. And as the industry has fierce competition, consultants need to ensure success with their consulting venture- providing result-based advice and offering valuable feedback along the way.

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