6 Best Website to Learn PHP Programming Online

There are lots of websites which utilize the power of PHP programming for creating a dynamic website and one of the biggest examples is Wikipedia. And who doesn’t want to make a website like Wikipedia? But I’m not very good at PHP, so I decided to look for some good resources to learn PHP programming online. And guess what? Numbers of resources were more than my expectation.

So to help PHP Developers like me, who desperately want to learn PHP programming online, we decided to gather all the best website which helps to learn PHP programming online. So lets us start with, first one.

1. PHP.net

One of the best places to look for is PHP.net, its official website for PHP. Here you can learn everything about PHP and whenever you make mind to create a website using PHP, all you need to do is start tutorial and get busy with your designing work.

2. w3 Schools

W3Schools is another good resource to learn PHP online, even I personally learned html/css with the help of this site. This is an information website, with tutorials and references relating to web development topics such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and other languages.

3. Learn Programming in PHP Online

This website offers a complete PHP programming learning experience for no fees to the end user. This website offers Easy To Understand PHP Tutorials, Professional PHP Tutorials, Free PHP Hosting, Multimedia and Free Technical Support. So you can also give try to this website.

4. PHPBuddy

Another cool hub for future PHP programmers which is specially designed to help you start learning PHP programming with ease.

5. About.com:PHP/MySQL

About.com can also teach you everything about PHP/MySQl as they have whole section learning PHP and MySQL. You can find here everything which is necessary to learn PHP.

6. Tizag

Tizag was designed to teach beginner web programmers how to use HTML and CSS. They also invite you to begin the tutorials right away on PHP programming, Web Host Guide and lot more.

Website to learn PHP Programming Online

So these are the best website to learn PHP programming online, but if you feel I forget to add any good name, feel free to share with me. Also if you used any of the above-mentioned resources, don’t forget to tell about what you liked most about this website.

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Viney Dhiman
I'm a Mechanical Enggineer, Blogger & Geek. I've great interest in exploring technology. In free time I love to listen music, play online games and snooker :)