Locum tenens is a Latin phrase for a placeholder. A locum tenet is a substitute doctor who is not permanently attached to a hospital but visits during any specialty surgery or vacancy. In short, a locum tenens physician replaces a resident physician when they are absent. Ever since the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, the demands and requirements of locum tenens have increased manifold. Thus, if you are associated with medicine and medical practice, you may apply for this job and enjoy its many perks.
One of the many benefits of working as a locum tenens provider is that you are not limited to offering your services in one part of the city, state, or country. This career option gives you a unique opportunity to continue your practice and serve your patients while traveling throughout the nation.
Here are the top 5 reasons to consider a locum tenens career:
A Better Control Over Your Schedule
After years of medical school, residency, and real-world experience, physicians find themselves stuck in a specific organization or a schedule. Although this job offers much-needed career stability, it is not suitable for everyone.
If you are bored of the monotony of a permanent job and want to enjoy a flexible schedule, locum tenens is a wonderful career opportunity to consider. This job gives you better control over your schedule. You may do what you want, when you want, and where you want without worrying about office calls and other responsibilities.
A Better Income with Competitive Payout
There are multiple financial perks when you work for a locum tenens job. A part-time locum tenens physician can take up extra shifts at any local hospital, clinic, or medical center during their days off. This factor adds a bonus on top of your regular salary, thus increasing your payout.
Not only this, full-time locum assignments include longer commutes and travel positions, including free housing, extra reimbursements for travel expenses, etc. These positions provide competitive hourly pay, often touted higher than your regular salary.
Enhance your Resume
If you want to enhance your resume with better and newer experiences, apply for this career opportunity. Locum tenens practice increases your skills as a doctor as you get to learn practical skills with hands-on experience.
You may work with different health systems and facilities, which can boost your medical career. If you are a passionate medical practitioner, this is the job you need to hone your skills.
Enhanced Life and Personal Relationships
Locum tenens practice may offer you many benefits not only on the professional front but personally too. You save yourself from running from pillar to post and juggling the high-pressure role at the hospital or clinic. It allows you to take some time off from your hectic practice. You can utilize it to learn a new skill or hobby, or just enjoy some ‘me-time’.
With ample time off work, you can also socialize with your friends and family and enrich your personal relationships. This lifestyle allows you to reconnect with your loved ones.
No More Physician Burnout
Today, most doctors are undergoing physician burnout rather than finding a career change. Taking a temporary job in any new facility or even trying out your practice in a different city may reignite your passion for healthcare, thus making your job enjoyable again.
Locum tenens is a good way to welcome change in your medical career. By availing this opportunity, you may continue to do what you love the most and experience new faces, places, and directions.
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