Top 10 Game Of Thrones Artwork

With HBO’s Game of Thrones two episodes deep in season five, fans can’t get enough of the fantasy show with just 60 minutes a week. FYI, this season is 20 percent over! Let the hate emails fly….I’m just stating the facts. Lucky for all of us fans of the show, there is plenty more content to be had. There is a lot of behind the scenes action on, numerous interviews to be found on Youtube, and there is a ton of artwork inspired by the show.

I love how fans will just create artwork because of their love for a show or movie. It just goes to show how one bit of creativity spurs another and then another and so on for infinity. Here are ten of my favorite drawings and paintings inspired by the Lannisters, Starks, Targaryens, and Martells.

10. Who could think up such a creation? A whitewalker eating a popsicle in modern looking clothes…very cool!


9. This fellow is no longer with us, a common theme for this brutal show, but he is forever remembered. Ned Stark was a noble warrior. His goodness cost him dearly.


8. Sure he died of an infection. Not exactly the honorable death of a fierce general. However he was a great character that propelled Dany to what she is now as the Mother of Dragons.


7. One of the coolest cats on the show. Bronn is all about that coin SON! He is out for himself, but does some good things along the way. This is the slickest warrior in the game. Seeing him in a Run DMC style outfit is too much!


6. It’s not easy to turn away from the screen when Margaery Tyrell is in the action. This lady is worth watching even if she never spoke a single word on the show. That being said, she is a great actress as well. This picture is an awesome version  of her beauty.


5. By her own admission, Sansa Stark has not always made the smartest moves. Just ask her dear old dad, Ned Stark. She is learning to play the “game” however and may yet be a formidable player in the battle for the Iron Throne. The picture depicts her sneakiness as her most powerful weapon.


4. Who doesn’t love dragons…besides those whose cities get wrecked by the fire breathers. This simple but perfect drawing of Dany’s children is amazing.


3. Jon Snow may be too honest and good for his own benefit. I have no idea where his character ends up, but this piece of art is a great look at a guy who has risen to the occassion in every instance.

jon snow

2. Smartest guy in Westeros. Loves to drink and have fun, but don’t be fooled. His big brain is more than a match for the fiercest enemy.


1. No question who I want to see on the Iron Throne in the end. I wouldn’t hold my breathe though, as hero after hero falls in horrific fashion. This beatiful piece of art shows Daenerys Targaryen in all her glory.

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Shane McLendon
Wannabe geek and FLOW Seeker