Six Reasons Why Your Digital Marketing Efforts Aren’t Working

Everyone’s doing digital marketing. Small businesses, B2Cs, and B2Bs all do digital marketing. It’s 2020 and digital marketing is essential for the success of any business.

Even industries that were slow to adopt online marketing, such as manufacturing, have now turned to content marketing. The ROI you can receive from online marketing is many times more than you could achieve from traditional ways of advertising.

When digital marketing efforts work as they should, you’ll achieve excellent results: pre-sold prospects and qualified leads could come your way. Getting there requires that all moving parts work together.

But there is one problem, though. Many businesses, small and big, never reach that point.

There are many reasons for this. The main one being a disconnect between what businesses are doing and what is actually working.

Just because something is popular doesn’t mean that it will automatically bring results. This post is meant for businesses that have been doing digital marketing but are not seeing the expected results.

Why isn’t digital marketing working for you? Here are some pointers:

1.       You Don’t Have a Proper Marketing Strategy

 It’s pretty obvious. If you enter into digital marketing without a proper strategy, you will not see winning results.

But many businesses are still making this mistake. Even if you don’t have an overall strategy, it is essential to pay attention to the effectiveness of the digital marketing efforts you’re spending your hard-earned money on.

Some areas you can lose due to lack of a strategy include:

·         Failure to brand your business professionally.

·         Spending money on PPC campaigns without tracking their success.

·         Getting into marketing without a defined goal or purpose.

·         Not hiring a digital marketing agency to handle your digital marketing campaigns.

Even if you don’t have enough money to spend on a complex digital marketing strategy, set aside some money to consult a digital marketing expert on a regular basis.

2.       Not Knowing Your Customers Well Enough

For you to create an effective marketing campaign, you need to understand who your ideal audience is, where to find them, and what they want. Knowing and finding your customers isn’t enough, you still need to create content that resonates with their needs.

By having a deep knowledge of your customers and their main pain points, you’re able to provide content that will help boost their trust in your brand.

3.       Being Resistant to Change

A while ago, you could hear business owners explaining why they didn’t need a website for their company. Today, a business does not only need a website – it’s imperative.

But still, some business owners have the same attitude when they hear about social media marketing, for instance. Unfortunately, many companies are preparing for their own downfall by not adapting to current marketing trends. 

Yes, change is uncomfortable and scary, but it is inevitable. Just because you’re unfamiliar with digital marketing doesn’t mean that you should avoid it. There are many educational articles and tutorials you can use to familiarize yourself with the idea. 

4.       Not Being Consistent On Your Marketing Efforts

Consistency means two things in digital marketing.

First, you need to be consistent in creating web content that brings a positive and tangible impact on your customers. Even if you’re recycling your old blog posts, you can still experience a huge impact if you deliver them consistently.

Secondly, customers, even if they aren’t ready to buy, will want to see and hear from you more often. Remarketing makes it possible for them to come across your ad on major platforms, and be reminded of your message. An email list, on the other hand, allows you to communicate with them directly.

5.       You Don’t Spend Much On Digital Marketing

Businesses that spend a lot on marketing are able to grow more compared to businesses that don’t spend as much.

In other words, you get what you pay for. If you’re looking to see excellent results from your digital marketing efforts, be sure to allocate it enough money when budgeting.

6.       Not Leveraging On Social Media Platforms

Some business owners and managers who don’t personally use social media are often skeptical of the effectiveness of social media advertising. It becomes impossible to try to explain anything technical to a person who doesn’t even know the basics of a platform.

No matter what type of business you’re doing online, you can do it better and faster with social media. For instance, you could gain a lot by using LinkedIn in the B2B environment.

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Graeme Sandlin
A theologian of the odd. I love all things tech, especially if there's a sci-fi element to it. You'll find something special I've created every day... and not just on the internet.