The Power of Savings: Simple Steps to Lower Your Electric Bill

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Photo by Grianghraf on Unsplash

Electrical bills are going up across the board. People are paying more each month to power their homes, with no real end in sight. Thankfully, there are some things that can be done to help lower the electric bill, minimizing the amount that will need to be paid each month. A few ways to save more include the following. 

Choose a Different Electricity Provider

If the bills are rising quickly due to higher rates, it might be best to start comparing electricity rates to see if switching to a new provider would be beneficial. If another provider has much lower rates, it could be possible to switch and save a lot of money each month. Pay attention to contract terms, when and how the price can increase, and how to switch at the end of a term to make sure the switch will lead to savings. 

Use a Fan to Move Air in the Home

The biggest energy user in most homes is the HVAC system, but it is a necessity. Those who use a system that runs on electricity can see big savings if they’re able to use the HVAC less. This doesn’t mean living in a less comfortable home. Changing the temperature a degree or two can make a big difference. Turning on fans throughout the house can help move the air around too, so the HVAC system does less work.

Opt for Smart Bulbs 

Smart bulbs are designed to be more energy-efficient, but the cost savings go further than that. With smart bulbs or smart switches, it’s possible to turn the lights on and off from anywhere. This means lights can be off when no one is home and turned on right before everyone gets home to illuminate the house. When everyone heads to bed, it’s easy to make sure the lights are off throughout the house. 

Use Smaller Kitchen Appliances

Using smaller kitchen appliances may be another way to save more energy. A small toaster oven isn’t going to use nearly as much energy as a larger oven, so it’s going to cost less to operate. When cooking small meals, using the toaster oven or another small appliance can mean a lot less energy is used and can still ensure the food is cooked thoroughly. While not everything can be cooked in smaller appliances, by using them more often and avoiding the larger appliances, it’s easy to save more money. 

Install Smart Plugs

Smart plugs can enable devices to be turned off completely, so there is no energy being used when the devices aren’t in use. When it’s time to turn off something, the smart plug can ensure it’s turned off completely and not continuing to use small amounts of energy. Over time, this can lead to quite a bit of savings for homeowners, as it allows them to make sure no energy is being wasted. 


If you’re spending too much on electricity each month, try out these tips to see how much you could save. Take the time to test out different options, see what can help you save more, and make them habits to continue saving month after month. Though energy rates might rise, using these tips can help you save a significant amount each month. 

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Steven Weissman
I grew up working on my family's small farm in western New York state. We did a lot of projects ourselves, which taught me not to be intimidated by DIY projects. So now I like to write about DIY topics to help others gain confidence to try to do things on their own.