Selling Your eBay Profile Feedback

ebay feedback

Believe it or not people will pay you to list their items on eBay. It’s true. All you have to do is let them list some items on your account and they will pay you for that privilege. You don’t have to worry about buying any products or shipping the items. You are only needed for your positive feedback. These folks seeking to borrow your good name need positive feedback to help them sell their stuff. They can get off to a faster start and sell more overall if they don’t have to go through the trouble of building up lots of positive feedback, the way you had to do it over time.

This idea of getting paid to rent out your eBay account sounds OK at first and you could just post what they send you to make sure they don’t have access the inside of your account. But I would not let just anyone use my eBay account. Correction, there is just about no one I would trust to list items on my good name on eBay. I spent a lot of time and effort making sure I kept 100% positive feedback. I have no control over how these eBay “renters” conduct their business. Sure, I could end the agreement as soon as I saw a problem or bad feedback popped up, but by then some damage would be done. I want zero damage to my pristine feedback.

I don’t sell very much on eBay anymore, but that could change at any time. I would have to be absolutely sure I was never going to sell on the platform again before I would list other people’s items and trust them to deliver what they promise to the buyers. Even then, I wouldn’t want any buyers to get shoddy service because a seller has fooled them into thinking they have built up all that positive feedback.

I like the idea of making a little money passively, but this type of plan could easily backfire and cost me my good eBay rating. I’ve put too much time into my eBay rating to rent it out for a few bucks. Someone unwilling to put in the work to build positive feedback the right way has the hint of shadiness anyway.

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Shane McLendon
Wannabe geek and FLOW Seeker