10 Most Popular PC Games Chinese Love To Play

10 Most Popular PC Games Chinese Love To Play

In the recent times, we have seen a great lot of evolution in the world of gadgets. Be it any device or any platform, gaming is a must feature in each one of them. The PS series by Sony, the tablets by various companies, the mobile devices other such gadgets, all offer a vast and comprehensive gaming experience. But some things never grow old and one of them is the PC gaming. Come what may but the craze for PC gaming hasn’t changed a bit in all these years. And it’s not only the new heavy graphics games that are the favorites of the people all around the world, but the old classic games are also among the top played games all over.

10 Most Popular PC Games Chinese Love To Play

Out of all the countries, China is the world’s largest gaming hub. And as stated above that in spite of the small gaming devices, the PC remains a hot favorite among the younger generation of China. QQ games shortlisted a few games that are mostly played in internet cafes and in this article we are going to see the 10 most popular PC games in China

1. DNF

Also popularly called the Dungeon & Fighter or Dungeon Fighter Online, it is a game developed in Korea in the year 2005 and is a beat-‘em-up game. Even though it is old, it hasn’t lost its charm and is very popular in China.

2. CrossFire

This is the Chinese version of the popular Counter Strike. It is basically a first person shooter and even though it’s very old, it is very popular among the Chinese youth. This was also developed by the Korean developer SmileGate.

3. League of Legends

This is an online competitive game which is based on DOTA. This game is popular not only in China, but also all over the world.

4. QQ Speed

This game was produced by Tencent Games in the year 2008. It is a racing game.

5. QQ X5

Another game produced by the Tencent Games, but this instead is a dancing game.

6. Dream Of The Three Kingdoms

Released in the year 2009 by Electric Soul, it is a fantasy game extremely popular in the China.

7. Against War

Another game developed by Tencent and it is an online first person shooter game.

8. Fantasy Journey To The West

Developed by the Netease and launched early in the year 2003, this is a fantasy RPG that has been capturing the minds fir the last 10 years.

9. Counter Strike Online

The original and the best first person shooter that is famous worldwide and also in China. It was released in the year 2008.


As the name suggests, this is an online basketball game which is really good and popular.

You might be in doubt that why all the above mentioned are old PC games? And the answer is that these games are recently updated and these games are totally refined from the previous versions. So no matter how long you’re playing these games, content stays fresh and keep the Chinese gamer from getting bored.

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Viney Dhiman
I'm a Mechanical Enggineer, Blogger & Geek. I've great interest in exploring technology. In free time I love to listen music, play online games and snooker :)